Using the Process Automation extension for irAuthor

  • Updated

This article covers the use of the irAuthor extension to provide schema mapping to InRule Process Automation process models as well as the Execute Process action within rules.

Upgrade considerations

If you are upgrading from version 1.0.0 or 1.0.1 of the Process Automation Extension, your environment settings will not be persisted through the version upgrade and must be reconfigured. Instructions for environment configuration can be found below.

Installing the Process Automation extension for irAuthor

Install the Process Automation extension through the Extension Manager in irAuthor.  

Configure a Process Automation Environment in irAuthor

Once you have installed irAuthor and the Process Automation extension, follow the steps below to configure a connection to a Process Automation environment.

  1. Select the Configure button from the Environments section of the Process Automation tab in irAuthor.

  2. This opens a dialog that allows you to add a Process Automation environment. Click the Add Environment button to add a new environment.
    Add Environment.png

  3. Next, set a name for the environment. You will provide credentials and an API key for a Process Automation account. 
    Configure Process Automation Environments.png

  4. Provide the URL for the Process Automation environment you wish to use, your username and password, and your API Key. API Key information can be found in the Calling InRule from Process Automation using the Execute Decision component article as well as on the Process Automation support site.
    Process Automation Environment.png

  5. Use the Test connection button to check that the connection is successful.
    Test Connection.png

With the Process Automation environment configured, you will now be able to manage the schemas associated with your Process Automation environment. The following section describes this process which is only relevant to the Process Automation calling InRule integration pattern.

Schema Management and Entity Selection

With a Process Automation environment configured, the forms in that environment can be retrieved and used to create entities and fields in author. Before managing your schema, you will need to make sure you are connected to a catalog and that you have a rule app checked out.

  1. To begin managing your schema, go to the Process Automation tab in irAuthor and click on the Manage button in the Schema section.Manage.png

  2. Select an environment from the list of Process Automation environments you have configured by clicking the Use this button.PAE_Configure_Environment_Selection.png

  3. After selecting which environment to use, you will be presented with a list of forms. Click on the arrow to expand the Forms list to see the form’s fields. To create irAuthor entities from these forms, select the fields on the form you wish to use and click the Update button._.png

  4. Doing so will create an entity for your form with the fields you selected. It should look like this:PAE_Entity_Definition.png

Supported Field Types and Mappings

To help inform your choice of field type, the below table describes the mapping between Process Automation datatypes and InRule datatypes. 

Process Automation Form Field

How it’s handled in irAuthor


Creates a Boolean field


Creates a DateTime field

Html editor

Creates a String field

Multis select

Creates a String field and also links the field to a value list that contains the keys and values for each value


Creates an Integer field


Creates a Double field

Single select

Creates a String field and also links the field to a value list that contains the keys and values for each value


Creates a String field


Creates a String field


Creates a DateTime field

Schema Refresh

If you have updated fields on your Process Automation form, you can use the Refresh button in the schema management window to update your entities to match your updated forms and fields.


Refreshing your schema will first display a warning detailing any elements that are being removed and a summary of changes that details what changes have been found. 


These changes will not be applied until you select the Update button with your selected list of entities and fields.

Changing the name value of a field in Process Automation is perceived by irAuthor as removing and adding a field and will be reflected as such in the summary of changes.

Disconnecting Entities

You may want to disconnect an entity or field from Process Automation so that changes to its value do not get stored. For example, if you are using a Process Automation field for an interim calculation, but don't want that value to get saved in Process Automation, you can accomplish this using the Disconnect Item button.

To disconnect an item, either right-click the item in the Entities view and select Disconnect Item (Figure 1)  or select the item and click the Disconnect Item button in the Process Automation tab (Figure 2).

Figure 1

Figure 2


To ensure an entity or field has been disconnected, you can check the Schema Source for the entity or field. A connected item will show Process Automation in the schema source, whereas a disconnected item will be shown as internal.


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