Automated Installation - Command Line Options

  • Updated

To run an automated (silent) installation, you can call the InRule installer and pass in the command
line arguments shown below, specifying a response file which lists out which features to install and
contains all configured options.

Command Line Arguments

/acceptEula Accepts the End User License Agreement (EULA)
/deactivate Deactivates the InRule license; typically used during uninstallation
/response=[file] Indicates a response file containing responses to the various settings. For more information, contact InRule support.

In addition, you may specify many of the Windows Installer command line options
and Standard Installer command line options.

Example Command Line

c:\install\InRuleAutomatedInstall\InRule_setup /quiet /acceptEula /response="C:\Install \InRuleAutomatedInstall\InRuleInstallResponses.xml"

A response file gets generated when you install InRule and gets stored at the root of the installed directory (i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\InRule\InRuleInstallResponses.xml). To set up an automated installation, best practice is to first install InRule via the Installer user interface, selecting all of the required options, so that a response file is created. That response file may then be used for subsequent automated installations. NOTE: Passwords will not be captured in the response file (e.g. catalog admin password), so those must be manually updated in the file.

Example Response File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Feature Id="feat_Documentation" />
<Feature Id="feat_ActivationUtility" />
<Feature Id="feat_Licenses" />
<Feature Id="irAuthor" />
<Feature Id="irSDK" />
<ConfigInput Id="NoMsiInstall" />
<ConfigInput Id="SideBySideSuffix" />
<ConfigInput Id="InRuleInstallFolder" />
<ConfigInput Id="EventLogName"><![CDATA[InRule]]></ConfigInput>
<ConfigInput Id="ApplicationLogEventSource" />
<ConfigInput Id="IrSoaInstallationType" />
<ConfigInput Id="IrSoaWinSvcName" />
<ConfigInput Id="IrSoaWindowsServiceUri"><![CDATA[http://ComputerName:/
<ConfigInput Id="IrSoaWebSite"><![CDATA[Default Web Site]]></ConfigInput>
<ConfigInput Id="IrSoaWebApplPool"><![CDATA[DefaultAppPool]]></ConfigInput>
<ConfigInput Id="IrSoaWebServiceUri"><![CDATA[http://ComputerName/
<ConfigInput Id="IrSoaWebAppl"><![CDATA[InRuleRuleEngineService]]></ConfigInput>
<ConfigInput Id="IrCatalogInstallationType" />
<ConfigInput Id="IrCatalogWindowsServiceUri"><![CDATA[http://ComputerName:/
<ConfigInput Id="IrCatalogWinSvcName" />
<ConfigInput Id="IrCatalogWebSite"><![CDATA[Default Web Site]]></ConfigInput>
<ConfigInput Id="IrCatalogWebApplPool"><![CDATA[DefaultAppPool]]></ConfigInput>
<ConfigInput Id="IrCatalogWebServiceUri"><![CDATA[http://ComputerName/
<ConfigInput Id="IrCatalogWebAppl"><![CDATA[InRuleCatalogService]]></ConfigInput>
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogAuthAdminUser" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogAuthAdminPassword" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogAuthLDAPPath" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogAuthLDAPDomain" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogAuthProvider" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogDatabaseType" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogDatabaseCreation" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogCreationAuthType" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogCreationUsername" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogCreationPassword" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogDatabaseServerName" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogSqlServerAuthenticationType" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogSqlServerUserName" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogSqlServerPassword" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogEncryptPassword" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogDatabaseDatabaseName" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogOraclePortNumber" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogOracleSchemaName" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogOracleSchemaPassword" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogOracleServiceName" />
<ConfigInput Id="CatalogOracleOdpNetVersion" />
<ConfigInput Id="LicensingName"><![CDATA[John Doe]]></ConfigInput>
<ConfigInput Id="LicensingOrganization" />
<ConfigInput Id="LicensingLicenseKeys"><![CDATA[AUT-KEY--12345-12345-12345-12345-12345

To troubleshoot the automated installation, review the log file created by the installer.  It is stored at the root of the temp directory, as specified by environment variable TEMP.  (e.g. C:\Users\jsmith\AppData\Local\Temp\InRule_20150120113533.log.)

The automated installation process only supports "online" activation - the machine must be able to connect to the InRule Licensing Service.

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