
  • Updated
Operator Compatible types Description
= All

Assigns the right-hand side value to the left-hand side, and returns the right-hand side value:


var x = 45.6;


Note that irScript values obey CLR assignment semantics (value types assign-by-value, reference types assign-by- reference… ScriptObject, ScriptCollection, and ScriptFunction are all reference types).
+= Integer, Decimal, Text

For numerics, adds the lhs and rhs values and assigns the result to lhs. For text values, concatenates lhs with rhs and assigns the result to lhs. The resulting value is returned:


var x = 45.6;

x += 10;

-= Integer, Decimal

Subtracts the lhs and rhs values and assigns the result to lhs. The resulting value is returned:


var x = 45.6;

x -= 10;

*= Integer, Decimal

Multiplies the lhs and rhs values and assigns the result to lhs. The resulting value is returned:

var x = 45.6;

x -= 10;

/= Integer, Decimal

Divides the lhs value by the rhs value and assigns the result to lhs. The resulting value is returned:


var x = 45.6;

x /= 10;

%= Integer, Decimal

Divides the lhs value by the rhs value and assigns the remainder to lhs. The resulting value is returned:


var x = 45;

x %= 10;

&= Integer

Performs a bitwise ‘and’ operation between lhs and rhs, and assigns the value to lhs. The resulting value is returned: 


var x = 4;

x &= 3;

|= Integer

Performs a bitwise ‘or’ operation between lhs and rhs, and assigns the value to lhs. The resulting value is returned:


var x = 4;

x |= 3;

^= Integer

Performs a bitwise ‘xor’ operation between lhs and rhs, and

assigns the value to lhs. The resulting value is returned: 


var x = 4;

x ^= 3;

<<= Integer

Shifts the lhs value by rhs bits to the left, and assigns the value to lhs. The resulting value is returned: 


var x = 45;

x <<= 2;

>>= Integer

Shifts the lhs value by rhs bits to the right, and assigns the value to lhs. The resulting value is returned: 


var x = 45;

x >>= 2;

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