.env file configurations

  • Updated

Skin related: If left blank, the default ML Studio skin and appearance will be used.

  • SIMMACHINES_SKIN_CSS: Path to the css which contains a skin for the ML Studio UI.
  • SIMMACHINES_LOGO_PNG: Path to the logo that will be displayed in the ML Studio UI.
  • SIMMACHINES_FAVICON_ICO: Path to the icons file that will be displayed in the ML Studio UI.

Installation: Related to the installation of ML Studio.

  • SIMMACHINES_MOUNT_PATH: Path where the ML Studio installation will store necessary data for its functioning. The following directories are created in that path: storage, logs and temporary files folders(tmp). Data, logs, model serializations among others will be stored in those directories.
  • SIMMACHINES_REST_API_VERSION: Tag of the API docker image that will be installed.
  • SIMMACHINES_REST_GUI_VERSION: Tag of the GUI docker image that will be installed.
  • SIMMACHINES_ROCKETKAZE_VERSION: Tag of the rocketkaze docker image that will be installed. As of the writing of this guide (1.7.n), this is not used.
  • SIMMACHINES_MONGO_DB_VERSION: Version of mongo that will be used when installing ML Studio, it must also match a tag in docker hub from the mongo docker images.

API: ML Studio API configuration variables.

  • SIMMACHINES_API_HOST: IP address of the machine where ML Studio API will be installed and will be accessible at. It can be left as localhost (, but the API will only be accessible in the machine it was installed. It can be a private or public address.
  • SIMMACHINES_API_ADMIN_LOCAL_PORT: Port where some of the API framework in which ML Studio is built on requests are received, this doesn’t need to be open.
  • SIMMACHINES_API_LOCAL_PORT: Port where the API is accessible. If the GUI is installed in another machine or the IP address assigned at SIMMACHINES_API_HOST is a public one, then this port must be open to external packages.
  • SIMMACHINES_API_ACCESS_PORT: Port where the API will communicate with the GUI through, it can and should be the same as SIMMACHINES_API_LOCAL_PORT. If the API is installed in another machine or the IP address assigned at SIMMACHINES_API_HOST is a public one, then this port must be open to external packages.
  • SIMMACHINES_API_MEMORY: Memory that will be assigned to the API for use.
  • SIMMACHINES_AB_RESULT_LOGGER: Path where the logs related to A/B testing functionalities will be stores, this are separated from the logs in the storage so make sure to set a path inside what is specified in SIMMACHINES_MOUNT_PATH.
  • SIMMACHINES_MODE: This can be TEST or PROD, it sets the mode of the ML Studio. If it is set in TEST, licenses functionality will not operate.
  • SIMMACHINES_SERVER_SIDE_UPLOAD_CONFIG_FOLDER: ML Studio offers the option to upload a file from a directory in the server where it is installed without the necessity of doing it through the UI (using http), which results in much faster upload times. This should be a path to a directory, any file in that directory can be uploaded to ML Studio.
  • SIMMACHINES_SERVER_SIDE_UPLOAD_CONFIG_ENABLED: Must be `true` or `false`, if false is selected then the file upload from the server won’t be usable (uploading files through the UI is still enabled).


  • SIMMACHINES_LICENSES_HOST: IP address where the simMachines license system is running at. If SIMMACHINES_MODE is set as `prod`, this IP must be accessible and a licenses system must be running at that IP.
  • SIMMACHINES_LICENSES_PORT: Port where the licenses system in the IP address set in SIMMACHINES_LICENSES_HOST will receive requests.
  • SIMMACHINES_USER_ROLES: Must be `true` or `false`, if true is selected some functionalities will not be accessible to a user if the user’s role is set to not be able to use that functionality.

UI: ML Studio GUI configuration variables.

  • SIMMACHINES_GUI_HOST: IP address of the machine where ML Studio GUI will be installed and will be accessible at. It can be left as localhost (, but the GUI will only be accessible in the machine it was installed. It can be a private or public address.
  • SIMMACHINES_GUI_ADMIN_LOCAL_PORT: Port where some of the framework in which ML Studio is built on requests are received, this doesn’t need to be open.
  • SIMMACHINES_GUI_LOCAL_PORT: Port where the GUI is accessible.
  • SIMMACHINES_GUI_ACCESS_PORT: Port where the API will communicate with the GUI through, it can and should be the same as SIMMACHINES_GUI_LOCAL_PORT. If the API is installed in another machine or the IP address assigned at SIMMACHINES_GUI_HOST is a public one, then this port must be open to external packages.
  • SIMMACHINES_GUI_MEMORY: Memory that will be assigned to the GUI for use.

Mongo: MongoDB configuration variables.

  • SIMMACHINES_MONGO_PORT: Port where mongo will be accessible at.
  • SIMMACHINES_MONGO_DB: Name of the ML Studio mongo database.

Rocketkaze: Rocketkaze clustering service configuration, as of the writing of this manual these are not used.

  • ENABLED_ROCKETKAZE: Must be true or false, enables the rocketkaze clustering.
  • SIMMACHINES_JOBSERVER_NUMBER_CPU_CORES: Number of cores to be assigned to the server that processes the clustering requests.
  • SIMMACHINES_JOBSERVER_MEMORY_PER_NODE: Memory assigned to there server that processes the clustering requests.
  • SIMMACHINES_ROCKETKAZE_BACKEND_EXECUTOR_CORES: Number of cores for the rocketkaze clustering per instance.
  • SIMMACHINES_ROCKETKAZE_BACKEND_EXECUTOR_INSTANCE: Number of instances that will be created to process the rocketkaze clustering.
  • SIMMACHINES_ROCKETKAZE_BACKEND_EXECUTOR_MEMORY: Memory assigned to each instance that processes the rocketkaze clustering.
  • SIMMACHINES_JOBSERVER_PORT: Port where the server that processes the clustering requests is accessible at.
  • SIMMACHINES_JOBSERVER_MEMORY: Memory assigned to the server that processes the clustering requests.
  • SIMMACHINES_JOBSERVER_JAR_MEMORY: Total memory that can be assigned to the rocketkaze process.
  • SIMMACHINES_JOBSERVER_HOST: IP address where the rocketkaze clustering service is accessible at.

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