Install Docker and Docker Compose

  • Updated

(This step is not required if compatible versions are already installed)

Before starting, make sure Docker isn’t installed already by running docker --help with and without root privileges. If your Docker version is compatible, you can skip this section and continue with the next step. If Docker is not installed, or if your version is not compatible, run:

sudo bash <username>


sudo bash <username>

If you use sudo for root privileges or else as the root user. Please make sure to use the correct version of the script depending on your OS.

These scripts will delete all previous Docker and Docker Compose versions installed with the ones needed to run ML Studio.

When running the Docker/Docker Compose installation script, you should see something similar to the following:


It will start installing several dependencies in order to successfully install Docker and Docker Compose in the system. By the end you should see something similar to this:


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