Prerequisites: A valid RuleCatalogConnection and RuleApplicationDef object
Namespaces: InRule.Repository, InRule.Repository.Client, InRule.Repository.Service.Data
Classes: RuleCatalogConnection, RuleApplicationDef, EntityDef, RuleRepositoryDefBase
See Also: Working with RuleApplicationDef in the Catalog
The following examples demonstrate how to share and consume rule elements in the Catalog.
Sharing a rule set
// set ruleset shareable
catalogConn.SetShareableFlagForDef(ruleAppDef.Entities["Entity1"].RuleElements["RuleSet1"].Guid, true);
Consuming a shared rule set in an existing rule application
// Get source rule app
RuleApplicationDef sharedRuleApp = catalogConn.GetLatestRuleAppRevision("SharedRuleApp");
// Get rule set to consume from source rule app
RuleSetDef ruleSetDef = sharedRuleApp.Entities["Entity1"].GetRuleSet("RuleSet1");
// Get consuming rule app
RuleApplicationDef consumingRuleApp = catalogConn.GetLatestRuleAppRevision("ConsumingRuleApp");
// Check out the rule app container
catalogConn.CheckoutRuleApplication(consumingRuleApp, false, "checkout comments");
// Cet entity where rule set will be added
EntityDef entityDef = consumingRuleApp.Entities["Entity1"];
// Add shared rule set, using same Guids will create the share
// Check in the rule application
catalogConn.Checkin(consumingRuleApp, "check in comments");
Sharing a schema
// Share the schema so it can be consumed by other rule applications
catalogConn.SetShareableFlagForDef(sharedRuleApp.SchemaGuid, true);
Binding the shared schema to a rule application
// Bind the rule
catalogConn.SetMasterRuleAppForDef(sharedRuleApp.SchemaGuid, sharedRuleApp.Guid);
// Create new rule application that will consume the shared schema
RuleApplicationDef consumerRuleApp = new RuleApplicationDef("ConsumingRuleApp");
// Add the rule application to the Catalog
catalogConn.CreateRuleApplication(consumerRuleApp, consumerRuleApp.Name);
// Check out the rule application
catalogConn.CheckoutRuleApplication(consumerRuleApp, true, "checkout consumer ruleapp");
// Get all shared elements in the Catalog
ResultMap<DefInfo, DefInfo> shareableDefs = catalogConn.GetAllShareableDefs();
// Using a Linq query to find the schema we are interested in by name
DefInfo sharedSchemaDefInfo = (
from d in shareableDefs.Keys
where d.MasterRuleappName == "SharedRuleApp" &&
select d).First();
// Add the shared schema to the derived rule app
consumerRuleApp = catalogConn.ReplaceRuleAppSchema(consumerRuleApp, sharedSchemaDefInfo.Key);
// Check-in rule app
catalogConn.Checkin(consumerRuleApp, "Comments");
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