Performing Rollbacks in the Catalog

  • Updated

Prerequisites: A valid RuleCatalogConnection
Namespaces: InRule.Repository, InRule.Repository.Client, InRule.Repository.Service.Data
Classes: RuleCatalogConnection, RuleApplicationDef, RuleAppRef, RuleRepositoryDefBase
See Also: Creating a RuleCatalogConnection

The following examples demonstrate how to perform rollback functionality in the Catalog.  The functionality does not perform a true rollback, instead it will save the previously desired rule application or rulse set back to the Catalog as the latest revision.

Rollback to a previous rule application

// Get a RuleAppRef object which will contain details about the rule app we are loading
RuleAppRef ruleAppRefLatest = connection.GetRuleAppRef("Historical");

// Get a RuleAppRef object which will contain details about the rule app we want to become the latest
RuleAppRef ruleAppRefPrior = connection.GetRuleAppRef("RuleAppRollback", 2);

// Load the RuleApplicationDef from the repository, specifying the GUID and Revision
RuleApplicationDef ruleAppDefPrior = connection.GetSpecificRuleAppRevision(ruleAppRefPrior.Guid, ruleAppRefPrior.PublicRevision);

// overwrite the existing rule app with the prior version
connection.OverwriteRuleApplication(ruleAppRefLatest.Guid, ruleAppDefPrior, true, "replacing latest with
prior version"

Rollback to a previous rule set

// Get a RuleAppRef object which will contain details about the rule app we are loading
RuleAppRef ruleAppRefLatest = connection.GetRuleAppRef("InvoiceRollbackExample");


// Load the RuleApplicationDef from the repository, specifying the GUID and Revision
RuleApplicationDef ruleAppDefLatest = connection.GetSpecificRuleAppRevision(ruleAppRefLatest.Guid,

// Get the RuleSet
EntityDef entityDefLatest = ruleAppDefLatest.Entities["LineItem"];
RuleRepositoryDefBase ruleSetDefLatest = entityDefLatest.GetRuleSet("LineItemRules");

// Check out the RuleApp
connection.CheckoutRuleApplication(ruleAppDefLatest, false, "checking out rule application");

// Get a RuleAppRef object which will contain details about the rule app we are loading
RuleAppRef ruleAppRefPrior = connection.GetRuleAppRef("InvoiceRollbackExample", 1);

// Load the RuleApplicationDef from the repository, specifying the GUID and Revision
RuleApplicationDef ruleAppDefPrior = connection.GetSpecificRuleAppRevision(ruleAppRefPrior.Guid, ruleAppRefPrior.PublicRevision);

// Get the RuleSet
EntityDef entityDefPrior = ruleAppDefPrior.Entities["LineItem"];
RuleRepositoryDefBase ruleSetDefPrior = entityDefPrior.GetRuleSet("LineItemRules");

// Remove the ruleset from the latest revision

// Add prior revision of the ruleset to the latest entity

// Checkin the rule app
connection.Checkin(ruleAppDefLatest, "rolled back to prior revision of LineItemRules");

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