The business language editor is designed to allow you to "learn as you go", nevertheless it is beneficial to understand the core navigational principles, terms, and shortcuts to facilitate business language rule authoring.
- Tab key to navigate through the business language templates and expressions.
- Shift + Tab to navigate backward.
Context Selection
- Ctrl + Up Arrow to expand the scope of the current selection.
- Ctrl + Down Arrow to narrow the scope of the current selection.
- Ctrl + X to cut the selected element.
- Ctrl + C to copy the selected element. When copying and pasting an entity or field, its rule sets, Vocabulary, and Rule Flows will not be copied. When copying and pasting a rule set, its Vocabulary will not be copied.
- Ctrl + V to paste the selected element.
- Ctrl + Delete to Delete the current selection.
- Ctrl + Z to undo your last action. The last 10 actions are stored and can be undone.
- Ctrl + Y redo your last action.
- Ctrl + D to move rules, fields, or actions down.
- Ctrl + U to move rules, fields, or actions up.
- Ctrl + T to Test using irVerify.
- Ctrl + Shift + V to Verify the rule application.
- Ctrl + Space to bring up a list of fields in the current context
- “.” triggers a list of fields in the next level of context (e.g. Contact.FirstName)
- “(“ after function name displays parameter information tooltip
Home Ribbon Shortcuts
- Ctrl + N to create a new rule application.
- Ctrl + O to open an existing rule application.
- Ctrl + S to save the rule application.
- Ctrl + F to find an element.
- Ctrl + Shift + F to find an element using advanced find.
- Ctrl + Shift + D Duplicate element. When duplicating an Entity or Field, its rule sets, Vocabulary, and Rule Flows will not be copied. When duplicating a rule set, its Vocabulary will not be copied.
- Ctrl + Shift + A to open the context-sensitive "Add" menu. This will allow a new object to be added depending on the context of the object currently selected.
- Alt + Left Arrow to navigate back.
- Alt + Right Arrow to navigate forward.
- F1 to open the irAuthor help file.
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