Vocabulary and Templates

  • Updated

Vocabulary enhances the power of the business language editor. It allows users to create their own business language templates and choose the templates available for each rule set. Vocabulary configuration and management can be done for the entire rule application and/or specific contexts.

Sample Rule Before Leveraging Vocabulary


Same Rule Using Vocabulary


Creating Vocabulary

  1. Click on Vocabulary in the Navigation Pane.

  2. Click the Add Vocabulary button.

  3. This opens a pop-up that allows the user to choose the context for which the template needs to be created.

  4. After choosing the context, the vocabulary settings will be shown in the content pane, where you can add templates, classifications, and modify template availability.mceclip3.png

The VocabularyTemplates samples on GitHub contains additional examples of vocabulary usage. See Online Resources for more information.


Templates allow users to create new business language rule templates and add them to their template list. These templates can be defined for the entire rule application or for specific contexts (e.g., independent rule set, entity, field*, and collection). They are saved along with the rule application and are available for both language and syntax rules.

The users can select from these different types of templates:

Using Placeholders

Placeholders are input parameters for a business language template. Placeholders, in rule templates, allow the user to create business language templates which take different input parameters and use them while executing the associated expression. In any rule template editor, a word enclosed with '$' symbols is considered a placeholder. In the example shown below $NumberOfCards$is a placeholder. When used in a rule or calculation, input to the placeholder NumberOfCardscan be a derived value or a field.

This column lists out all the placeholders created in the template. Entries in this column cannot be edited. This column is auto populated (real time) with placeholder names as they are created in the Business Language window.

Display Text
This column contains the text to be displayed in the place of the placeholder in the business language template.

This column displays the type of value the placeholder accepts. You can configure this by clicking on the mceclip1.png button against each placeholder.

The Placeholder Accepts window allows users to configure different types of values the placeholder accepts. A placeholder can be configured to accept more than one type of value.

Add Value Type
Allows users to configure the placeholder to accept a value of data types like Boolean, date, datetime, integer, number or string.

Add List
Allows users to configure the placeholder to accept values from a value list.

Add Entity
Allows users to configure the placeholder to accept an entity as its value.

Add Expression
Allows users to configure the placeholders to accept simple expressions. The users' input in the display text column will be displayed in the drop-down list for the placeholder in the business language editor.

Multi-Select Check Box
This option allows users to select multiple values for a single placeholder. If Multi-Select is checked, only one data type can be accepted, and the Entity placeholder is not available.

Expression Template

The Expression template allows users to create an alternate language template to map to either a flat or nested series of syntax expression functions. In general, the expression template will have two uses:

  1. Reuse of a cumbersome expressions with a shorter series of selections and inputs
  2. Provide more specific terminology to be used for a field at a given context Consider the following rule composed in existing Business Language templates.

Consider the following rule composed in existing Business Language templates.


An example of authoring the same language rule using an expression rule template might be as follows:


Here is how this template would be defined:

Here are the possible settings on this screen:

Specifies the name of the vocabulary template. The name is used for irSDK access.

Display Name
Name of the template to be displayed in the business language template list.

Menu Group
Menu group under which the template will be listed. The user can choose to add their template to an existing menu group or can create their own menu group.


  • Available in rules and calculations for this entity- Restricts the template’s availability to the specific context of the previously selected entity.
  • Available in rules and calculations for entities referencing this entity - Extends the template’s availability to include rule elements that reference the previously selected entity.

Function Name
Name of the function to be displayed in the expression builder.

Template Type
Data type of the value returned by the template.

Must select entire template
When checked, the template is shown completely in the business language editor.

Here, you configure the placeholders created in business language. For a detailed description of placeholders, refer to "Configuring Placeholders."

Business Language
The business language to be displayed in the business language editor. Placeholders can be added in the template by enclosing them within $ symbols.

The action to be performed by the custom template. All the functions listed in the expression builder and the placeholders created in business language can be used for creating expressions.

Add Collection Member Template

The Add Collection Member template allows users to create an alternate language template to add a collection member. In other words, it is a user-customized form of the existing Add Collection Member action template.

An example of using the finished Add Collection Member template in a language rule:


Here is how this template would be defined: 

Add Collection Member.jpg

Here are the possible settings on this screen:

Specifies the name of the vocabulary template. The name is used for irSDK access.

Display Name
Name of the template to be displayed in the business language template list.

Menu Group
The menu group under which the template will be listed. The user can choose to add their template to an existing menu group or can create their own menu group.


  • Available in rules and calculations for this entity- Restricts the template’s availability to the specific context of the previously selected entity.
  • Available in rules and calculations for entities referencing this entity - Extends the template’s availability to include rule elements that reference the previously selected entity.

Here, you configure the placeholders created in business language. For a detailed description of placeholders, refer to the section, Configuring Placeholders.

Business Language
Business language to be displayed in the business language editor. Placeholders can be added to the template by enclosing them within $ symbols.

Collection Expression
Name of the collection to which the member is to be added.

Member Values
The input to the column Member Name should be the name of the fields to be added to the collection, and the Expression should be the value to be assigned to the field. Expression can be an actual value (e.g., 23456) or it can be a small calculation. Placeholders can also be used in the expression.

Entity Collection Options
A collection member may be either created new or created by copying from an entity field or specific entity collection member. Only if Existing is selected will the following options be applicable:

  • By reference: Creates a new reference at the target location pointing to the source of the copy operation. This results in no new Entities being created.
  • Shallow copy: Creates a new Entity at the target location, copying over all primitive Field values. However, child Entity Field and Entity Collection values keep a reference to the existing Entities in the source location. This results in one new Entity being created.
  • Deep copy: Creates a new Entity at the target location, copying over all primitive Field values and creates new Entities for each child Entity Field and Entity Collection in the source location. If duplicate Entities are encountered, the copied Entity reference will be used. This results in a new Entity being created for each unique Entity in the source.

When choosing to source the new collection member from an Existing entity field with By reference as the selected copy mode, there cannot be any field values specified in the Member Values section as all of the values will reference the specified source. However, if member values are defined along with the Shallow copy or Deep copy options, the copy operation will occur first, and then member values will be set. Therefore, if values exist on the copied entity that are also defined in the member values grid, the member value defined will overwrite the copied data.

When using an entity collection member as the source in Existing entity field, you must refer to the specific member of the collection by using the CollectionName(index). For an example of using an existing collection member, please see the above. You can use an integer $placeholder$ value as the index.

Clear Collection Template

At the end of the day, your restaurant discards any premade sandwiches that have not been sold. To reflect this in your online inventory, you want to clear the Sandwiches collection. You could clear the collection using a language rule, as follows:


But it would be much clearer to use the language of the restaurant staff:


Here is how this template would be defined:

Here are the possible settings on this screen:

Specifies the name of the vocabulary template. The name is used for irSDK access.

Display Name
Name of the template to be displayed in the business language template list.

Menu Group
The menu group under which the template will be listed. The user can choose to add their template to an existing menu group or can create their own menu group.


  • Available in rules and calculations for this entity- Restricts the template’s availability to the specific context of the previously selected entity.
  • Available in rules and calculations for entities referencing this entity - Extends the template’s availability to include rule elements that reference the previously selected entity.

Business Language
Business language to be displayed in the business language editor.

Collection Expression
Identify the collection to be cleared.

Sort Collection Templates

At the grocery store, the cashier has finished scanning the customer's grocery items, and you need to print a sales receipt. Wouldn't it be nice if the receipt was organized by category (dairy, produce, deli, staples, etc.) order? Inside each category, you want to show the items in description order.

You could sort the grocery items collection using a rule such as this:


However, you want to write it in business language:


Here is how this template would be defined:

Here are the possible settings on this screen:

Specifies the name of the vocabulary template. The name is used for irSDK access.

Display Name
Name of the template to be displayed in the business language template list.

Menu Group
The menu group under which the template will be listed. The user can choose to add their template to an existing menu group or can create their own menu group.


  • Available in rules and calculations for this entity- Restricts the template’s availability to the specific context of the previously selected entity.
  • Available in rules and calculations for entities referencing this entity - Extends the template’s availability to include rule elements that reference the previously selected entity.

Business Language
Business language to be displayed in the business language editor.

Collection Expression
Identify the collection to be cleared.

Identify the collection member sort field(s). For each field, you may specify Ascending or Descending sort order.

Remove Collection Member Templates

The Remove Collection Member template allows users to create an alternate language template to remove a collection member. Similar to other templates, it is a user-customized form of the existing Remove Collection Member action template.

Currently, you can use the built-in template, as shown below, by passing in an index number or using a custom UDF/Lookup function that would return the index.


By index example:


By UDF or some other available function that would return an index example:


Using a custom remove collection member template is a more friendly way of communicating what is about to happen:


Here is how the template would be defined:

Here are the possible settings on this screen:

Specifies the name of the vocabulary template. The name is used for irSDK access.

Display Name
Name of the template to be displayed in the business language template list

Menu Group
The menu group under which the template will be listed. The user can choose to add their template to an existing menu group or can create their own menu group.


  • Available in rules and calculations for this entity- Restricts the template’s availability to the specific context of the previously selected entity.
  • Available in rules and calculations for entities referencing this entity - Extends the template’s availability to include rule elements that reference the previously selected entity.

The placeholders created in business language are configured here. For a detailed description of placeholders refer to the section, Configuring Placeholders.

Business Language
Business language to be displayed in the business language editor. Placeholders can be added to the template by enclosing them within $ symbols.

Collection Expression
Specifies the name of the collection to remove an item from.

Remove Index Expression
Specifies which item in the collection to remove. The value can either be a static value (like 2) or an expression that the rule engine will evaluate.

Please see About Expressions for more information on expression syntax.

Assignment Template

The Assignment template allows users to create an alternate language template to assign value to a field. In other words, it is a user-customized form of the Set Value of a Field template.

Consider the following rule authored in normal Business Language templates:


An example of using the finished Assignment template in a language rule might be as follows:


Here is how this template would be defined:

Here are the possible settings on this screen:

Specifies the name of the vocabulary template. The name is used for irSDK access.

Display Name
Name of the template to be displayed in the business language template list.

Menu Group
The menu group under which the template will be listed. The user can choose to add their template to an existing menu group or can create their own menu group.


  • Available in rules and calculations for this entity- Restricts the template’s availability to the specific context of the previously selected entity.
  • Available in rules and calculations for entities referencing this entity - Extends the template’s availability to include rule elements that reference the previously selected entity.

Here, you configure the placeholders created in business language. For a detailed description of placeholders, refer to the section, Configuring Placeholders.

Business Language
Business language to be displayed in the business language editor. Placeholders can be added to the template by enclosing them within $ symbols.

Target Expression
Target to which the value has to be assigned. It can be a field or a placeholder.

Value Expression
Value to be assigned to the target. It can be a magic number or an expression. Placeholders can be used in these expressions. (e.g., 1000 or 2*3.14 * $radius$).

Notification Template

The Notification template allows users to create an alternate language template for firing notifications. In other words, it is a user-customized form of the existing "Fire Notification" action template.

An example of using the finished Notification template in a language rule might be as follows:


Here is how this template would be defined:

Here are the possible settings on this screen:

Specifies the name of the vocabulary template. The name is used for irSDK access.

Display Name
Name of the template to be displayed in the business language template list.

Menu Group
Menu group under which the template will be listed. The user can choose to add their template to an existing menu group or can create their own menu group.


  • Available in rules and calculations for this entity- Restricts the template’s availability to the specific context of the previously selected entity.
  • Available in rules and calculations for entities referencing this entity - Extends the template’s availability to include rule elements that reference the previously selected entity.

The placeholders created in business language are configured here. For a detailed description of placeholders refer to the section, Configuring Placeholders.

Business Language
Business language to be displayed in the business language editor. Placeholders can be added to the template by enclosing them within dollar sign symbols $.

Notification Type
The type of notification can be informational, warning, or error.

When checked, multiple notifications will be allowed to deploy.

Correlate Field
Associates this message with a particular field from the schema structure.

Message Expression
Specifies the actual message text. This text may contain embedded fields or rule expressions to provide context-sensitive information in the message. For example, to refer to the ItemQuantity field, specify <%ItemQuantity%>.

Use a similar notation to refer to any placeholders, such as <%$placeholder1$%>.

Execute Rule Set Template

The Execute rule set template allows users to create an alternate language template to execute rule sets. In other words, it is a user-customized form of the existing Execute rule set" action.

An example of using the finished Execute rule set template in a language rule might be as follows:


Here is how this template would be defined:

Here are the possible settings on this screen:

Specifies the name of the vocabulary template. The name is used for irSDK access.

Display Name
Name of the template to be displayed in the business language template list.

Menu Group
The menu group under which the template will be listed. The user can choose to add their template to an existing menu group or can create their own menu group.


  • Available in rules and calculations for this entity- Restricts the template’s availability to the specific context of the previously selected entity.
  • Available in rules and calculations for entities referencing this entity - Extends the template’s availability to include rule elements that reference the previously selected entity.

Target Rule Set
Name of the rule set to be executed by this template. Only Explicit rule sets will be listed in this drop-down list.

The placeholders created in business language are configured here. For a detailed description of placeholders refer to the section, Configuring Placeholders.

Business Language
Business language to be displayed in the business language editor. Placeholders can be added to the template by enclosing them within $ symbols.

Rule Set Parameters
The Parameters interface allows users to pass decimal, Boolean, date, datetime, integer, text, and entity values from the calling rule set into the Target rule set for runtime use.

The Target rule set must be defined to accept a parameter.

The Parameters table automatically populates with all the parameters required for the rule set's execution. Rule authors provide the Expression for each Parameter. These expressions can be actual values (e.g., 1355) or small expressions calculated to calculate the value. Expressions can also contain placeholders.

Execute Member Rule Set Template

The Execute Member rule set template allows users to create an alternate language template to execute rule sets for each member of a collection. In other words, it is a user customized form of the existing Execute Member rule set action.

Below is an example of using the finished Execute Member rule set template in a language rule:


Here is how this template would be defined:

Here are the possible settings on this screen:

Specifies the name of the vocabulary template. The name is used for irSDK access.

Display Name
Name of the template to be displayed in the business language template list.

Menu Group
The menu group under which the template will be listed. The user can choose to add their template to an existing menu group or can create their own menu group.


  • Available in rules and calculations for this entity- Restricts the template’s availability to the specific context of the previously selected entity.
  • Available in rules and calculations for entities referencing this entity - Extends the template’s availability to include rule elements that reference the previously selected enti

Target Collection
Choose the collection to iterate. Only collections within the previously selected context will be listed.

Target Rule Set
Name of the rule set to be executed against each collection member. Only explicit rule sets will be included in this drop-down list.

The placeholders created in business language are configured here. For a detailed description of placeholders refer to the section, Configuring Placeholders.

Business Language
Business language to be displayed in the business language editor. Placeholders can be added to the template by enclosing them within $ symbols.

Collection Member Filter Expression
An expression can be written that acts as a filter for the collection members. Only collection members that pass the filter will have its rules executed.

Rule Set Parameters
If the target rule set selected accepts parameters, the parameter values can be defined here. The values may come from placeholders or expression literals.

Execute Method Templates

The language rule you might use to call a User Defined Function or a .NET assembly method can be unfriendly. You can use an Execute Method template to make that rule easier to read and write.

For example, you could use a language rule to call a function as follows:


An example of authoring the same language rule using an Execute Method Template might be as follows:


Here is how this template would be defined:

Here are the possible settings on this screen:

Specifies the name of the vocabulary template. The name is used for irSDK access.

Display Name
Name of the template to be displayed in the business language template list.

Menu Group
The menu group under which the template will be listed. The user can choose to add their template to an existing menu group or can create their own menu group.


  • Available in rules and calculations for this entity- Restricts the template’s availability to the specific context of the previously selected entity.
  • Available in rules and calculations for entities referencing this entity - Extends the template’s availability to include rule elements that reference the previously selected entity.

Here, you configure the placeholders created in business language. For a detailed description of placeholders, refer to the section, Configuring Placeholders.

Business Language
Business language to be displayed in the business language editor. Placeholders can be added to the template by enclosing them within $ symbols.

Function Library/Entity
Specify the User Defined Function library, .NET Assembly library, or .NET Assembly schema to be called.

Select the function or method in the library.

Assign Return To
If the function or method has a return value, specify the field where that return value should be assigned. You may specify a field, or you may use one of the placeholders surrounded by $ symbols, e.g. $taxrate$.

Leave this field blank if there is no return value, or if you want to ignore the return value.

Specify expressions, including placeholders, to be used passing parameters to the query.

Execute REST Service Template

The Execute REST Service template allows users to create an alternate language template to execute a REST service and assign the return value to a variable or field. In other words, it is a user-customized form of the Execute REST Service template.

Consider the following rule authored in normal Business Language templates:


An example of using the finished assignment rule template in a language rule might be as follows: 


Here is how this template would be defined:

Execute REST Service Template.jpg

Here are the possible settings on this screen:

Specifies the name of the vocabulary template. The name is used for irSDK access.

Display Name
Name of the template to be displayed in the business language template list.

Menu Group
The menu group under which the template will be listed. The user can choose to add their template to an existing menu group or can create their own menu group.


  • Available in rules and calculations for this entity- Restricts the template’s availability to the specific context of the previously selected entity.
  • Available in rules and calculations for entities referencing this entity - Extends the template’s availability to include rule elements that reference the previously selected entity.

Here, you configure the placeholders created in business language. For a detailed description of placeholders, refer to the section, Configuring Placeholders.

Business Language
Business language to be displayed in the business language editor. Placeholders can be added to the template by enclosing them within $ symbols.

REST Service
REST Operation Specify the name of the REST Operation to use.

For each parameter specified by the REST Operation, specify an expression to use.

Name and Type will be automatically populated from the REST Operation. Any function or field that returns the type specified is acceptable.

Assign Return To
Optionally specify a Field or variable to assign the return value of the REST call. This value can be mapped into an entity field or collection with a subsequent action.

Execute SQL Query Templates

Sometimes you need to execute an SQL query to accomplish something. However, there is no need for a rule author to know the technical details involved with such a query. Instead, you can use an Execute SQL Query template to make the operation easier to read and write.

For example, you could use a language rule to run the query as follows:


The same language rule written using an Execute SQL Query template might be as follows:


Here is how this template would be defined:

Here are the possible settings on this screen:

Specifies the name of the vocabulary template. The name is used for irSDK access.

Display Name
Name of the template to be displayed in the business language template list.

Menu Group
The menu group under which the template will be listed. The user can choose to add their template to an existing menu group or can create their own menu group.


  • Available in rules and calculations for this entity- Restricts the template’s availability to the specific context of the previously selected entity.
  • Available in rules and calculations for entities referencing this entity - Extends the template’s availability to include rule elements that reference the previously selected entity.

Here, you configure the placeholders created in business language. For a detailed description of placeholders, refer to the section, Configuring Placeholders.

Business Language
Business language to be displayed in the business language editor. Placeholders can be added to the template by enclosing them within $ symbols.

SQL Query
Select the query that will be executed.

Assign Return To
Business language to be displayed in the business language editor. Placeholders can be added to the template by enclosing them within $ symbols.

Specify an expressions, including placeholders, to be used passing parameters to the function or method.

Execute Web Service Templates

If you need to call a web service to get some information, the syntax can be daunting. For example, you could use a rule to make the call as follows:

Here is an example of the same rule written using an Execute Web Service template:


Here is how this template would be defined:

Here are the possible settings on this screen:

Specifies the name of the vocabulary template. The name is used for irSDK access.

Display Name
Name of the template to be displayed in the business language template list.

Menu Group
The menu group under which the template will be listed. The user can choose to add their template to an existing menu group or can create their own menu group.


  • Available in rules and calculations for this entity- Restricts the template’s availability to the specific context of the previously selected entity.
  • Available in rules and calculations for entities referencing this entity - Extends the template’s availability to include rule elements that reference the previously selected entity.

Business Language
Business language to be displayed in the business language editor. Placeholders can be added to the template by enclosing them within $ symbols.

Web Service
Specify the web service endpoint to be used.

Select the specific operation from among those the web service offers.

Input Mapping
Optionally specify input parameters to be passed to the web service and SOAP header parameters. Use Field Mapping, where one or more web service input parameters may be assigned, element by element, to match schema hierarchies within the rule application. Unused web service input parameters may be left empty if the web service allows this.

Output Mapping
Optionally specify where web service output as well as SOAP header output should be stored, using  Field Mapping, where one or more web service output elements may be assigned, element by element, to match schema hierarchies in the rule application. Unused web service output elements may be left unassigned.

Specify the duration (in milliseconds) to try executing the web service operation before it times out.

Specify the number of retries. If the connection is not established even after the specified timeout and retries, an error is thrown to indicate the web service operation could not be executed.

Activate and Deactivate Rule Set Templates

Sometimes, you need to make a rule set (or all rule sets in a given category) active or inactive.

You can activate a rule set using a language rule like this:


Or, you can activate rule sets based on a specific category:


(Similar language rules for deactivating rule sets are not shown.)

However, you might want to use business language that is easier for rule authors to understand:


Or, for a category of rule sets:


Here is how this template would be defined for a rule set:

Here is how this template would be defined for a or a category of rule sets:

(The screens for deactivating rule sets are not shown.)

Here are the possible settings on these screens:

Specifies the name of the vocabulary template. The name is used for irSDK access.

Display Name
Name of the template to be displayed in the business language template list.

Menu Group
The menu group under which the template will be listed. The user can choose to add their template to an existing menu group or can create their own menu group.


  • Available in rules and calculations for this entity- Restricts the template’s availability to the specific context of the previously selected entity.
  • Available in rules and calculations for entities referencing this entity - Extends the template’s availability to include rule elements that reference the previously selected entity.

Business Language
Business language to be displayed in the business language editor. Placeholders can be added to the template by enclosing them within $ symbols.

Rule Set
Specify the name of the rule set to activate or deactivate.

Activate by instance
Indicates the rule set should be activated or deactivated for just the Entity instance to which it applies. If not selected, the rule set will be activated or deactivated in all applicable Entity instances.

Specify the category of rule sets to activate or deactivate.


Any field or entity may have one or more classifications associated with it, which can be used in rule authoring to provide a more business-oriented vocabulary. For example, a Fico Score field may be defined with classifications such as “Excellent”, “Good” “Fair”, or “Poor”. Additional rationale for Classifications include:

  • Labels a business condition with a meaningful name for authoring
  • Allows fields and entities to be grouped and aliased
  • Promotes rule centralization and re-use

Classifications may be used in business language rules using the “is” operator, for example, “Borrower Fico Score is Excellent”. Classifications may also be referenced from Syntax Language using the “IsClassification()” function.

The Classification list shows all the Classifications for a given entity. The Classifications are grouped by the fields to which they apply.

Add a Classification

To add a Classification, select the add button on the right side of the Classification list.


Display Name: in the midwest


Here is how this Classification would be defined:

Here are the possible settings on this screen:

The name of the Classification.

Display Name
The name that will be displayed and used to reference the Classification from a business language rule.

Classification Type
Denotes whether the classification will apply to the entity or the field. If field is selected, a field must be selected from the drop-down list.

For example, if a Classification on a "Transaction Code" field was applied to its "Transaction" entity, the rule could be authored as "If Transaction is Buy", instead of "If Transaction Transaction Code is Buy".

The business language condition of the Classification.

Template Availability

The business language editor exposes various functions as templates (business language templates) for rule authoring. Template availability is a property that facilitates the customization of the availability of these templates. It allows the users to include or exclude these templates in the rule application. This property can be specified for the rule set at various context levels in the rule application and is inherited by the rule set in the hierarchy shown below:

  • Rule Application
    • Independent rule set
    • Entity
  • Field
  • Collection

Rule sets can only be created at the field context level for fields of the data type: Complex and Entity.

By default all the templates will be assumed to be included at a context unless specifically excluded at some point. The settings, at a lower context level, override the settings inherited from the higher context.

At any context level, clicking on the Template Availability tab under vocabulary shows a checklist of the default templates available in that context. The user can include or exclude the templates of their choice by checking/unchecking the checkboxes. By default, all built-in rule and action templates are available, and the user can edit and save these settings along with the rule application.

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