Ribbon: Rule Application Group

  • Updated

The options in the Rule Application menu allow you to associate, remove associations, and save your rules to either irCatalog or the local file system.



Click the Associate button to associate a rule application from irCatalog or your file system.

What is a Rule Application Association?

A Rule Application Association is an invisible link made between a Microsoft Word document and an InRule Rule Application. When a Rule Application Association is made, the location of the rule application is stored in the Word document. At that point, business language rules, decision tables, and calculations (hereafter collectively referred to as "rules") may be added, edited, and removed from the rule application via the Rules and Schema task panes.

Once a Word document is associated with a Rule Application, its rules may be inserted into a Word document. These inserted rules are referred to as Rule Text. Users that do not have irWord installed may view documents containing rules because Rule Text is simply read-only text.


  • Open from Catalog is an association with a rule application that is stored in irCatalog, there will NOT be any changes to the rule application/word document.
  • Check Out from Catalog an association with a rule application that is stored in irCatalog, there WILL be changes to the rule application/word document.
  • File System is an association with a rule application that is stored on the local file system.

Open from Catalog/Check Out from Catalog:

To associate a rule application from irCatalog the following information is needed:

  • URI – the location where irCatalog is installed
  • Authentication - Option of irCatalog or Windows Authentication
  • Username
  • Password


After the login screen, you may access your rule applications that are stored in irCatalog.


To close a cached catalog connection, click here

File System

To associate a rule application from your file system, navigate to the local folder location and select the rule application that you want to associate to irWord.

Remove Association

Click the Remove Association button to remove the rule application from irWord. The Remove Association feature removes the information about the location of the associated rule application from the document.


  • Click Remove rule text from the document to remove the rule application association from irWord and remove all of the rules that have been inserted into the document.
  • Click Keep rule text in the document to remove the rule application association from irWord, but keep all of the rules that have been inserted into the document.


The Catalog button will provide all of the same functionality and access to rule applications stored in available irCatalog installations. Catalog operations are as follows:

If you do not have the rule application checked out, but someone else has the rule application checked out


If you add, edit or delete rules from irWord and exit the document WITHOUT saving you will receive the following message:



The File button on the irWord Ribbon provides access to opening/saving rule applications with the file system.

Open in irAuthor

The associated rule application will open inside of irAuthor for editing.

Test in irVerify

Launch irVerify to test rules, calculations, and decision tables from irWord.


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