Collection templates perform lookup and aggregate functions over a collection. They can filter out specific collection members to operate over.
Template name | Template format | Return type |
lookup | lookup <expression> from <collection> where <filter> otherwise use <default> |
type of evaluated expression |
member number | member number <index> in <collection> |
entity reference |
the average of | the average of <numeric expression> in <collection> |
integer or decimal |
the first matching member from |
the first matching member from <collection> where <filter expression> |
integer or decimal |
the first member in | the first member in <collection> |
entity reference |
the last member in | the last member in <collection> |
entity reference |
the number of | the number of <collection> | integer |
any members exist in | any members exist in <collection> filtered by <filter expression> |
Boolean |
no members exist in | no members exist in <collection> filtered by <filter expression> |
Boolean |
the total of | the total of <numeric expression> in <collection> |
integer or decimal |
the minimum of | the minimum of <numeric expression> in <collection> |
integer or decimal |
the maximum of | the maximum of <numeric expression> in <collection> |
integer or decimal |
get first value | the value of <field> on the first member in <collection> otherwise use <default> |
field value |
get first value | the value of <field> on the last member in <collection> otherwise use <default> |
field value |
the value of a member at an index |
the value of <field> on member number <integer> from <collection> otherwise use <default> |
field value |
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