irCatalog Manager provides access to the revision history of all rule applications stored in irCatalog. From irCatalog Manager, it is possible to view every revision that has been made to the rule application and manipulate the labels assigned to various revisions.
Under the rule applications module, you can see the latest revision information for all of the rule applications in the catalog.
1. Name
The rule application name.
2. Revision
The latest revision number of the rule application. If there are comments on the latest revision, a message box icon will be displayed. Hover over the message icon to see the comment text.
3. Checked in by
The user who modified/checked in the latest revision.
4. Checked in
The date the latest revision was modified/checked in.
5. Checkouts by
A list of users with any portion of the rule application currently checked out.
6. Users
The users who have access to the application.
7. Roles
A list of the roles on the application.
To view details of a specific Rule Application
- Click on the name of the rule application to be taken to the individual rule application page.
- From this view, you can view details about each rule application revision and the details about any current check-outs for the rule application.
To Deactivate a Rule Application
- To deactivate a rule application, navigate to the specific rule application page by clicking on the name of the rule application.
- Then, click the Deactivate button. A deactivated rule application will remain in irCatalog but cannot be authored or executed until it is reactivated. It is also not possible to promote or assign labels to a deactivated rule application. Deactivated rule applications will display with the text "(Inactive)" after the name in irCatalog Manager.
To Activate a Rule Application
A rule application can be reactivated via irAuthor's Maintain button on the Catalog tab or via the irCatalog Manager Website. To reactivate a rule application via the Catalog Manager, navigate to the inactive rule application by clicking on the name of the rule application. Then click the Activate button.
To Delete a Rule Application
To delete a rule application, navigate to the specific rule application page by clicking on the rule application name link. Then, click the Delete button. Deleting a rule application will permanently remove every revision of the rule application from irCatalog.
To Undo a Check-Out
- Navigate to the specific rule application page by clicking on the name of the rule application.
- Then, click the Undo Check-out button.
- A list of options will be presented, including the ability to undo all check-outs on the rule application.
To Assign a Label
- Navigate to the specific revision of a rule application by clicking the revision number link on the individual rule application page.
- Click the Assign Label button.
- You can assign an existing label or create a new label.
- A label can only be assigned to one revision for a given rule application. For example, if you have the "Prod" label assigned to Revision 2, and then you assign that same label to Revision 3, assigning it to Revision 3 will remove that label from Revision 2.
To Delete Revisions
- Navigate to the specific rule application page by clicking on the name of the rule application.
- Click on the Delete button and choose the desired option from the drop-down menu.
1. This Revision - This option is only available for the latest revision of a rule application. In addition, it will only be available if the rule application has more than one revision. This option permanently removes the latest revision from irCatalog.
2. All Previous Revisions - This option removes all revisions up to but not including the current revision from which you are executing the command.
To Promote a Rule Application
For details on the promotion process, see the Promoting Rule Applications topic.
To Rename or Remove a Label
Navigate to the specific revision of a rule application by clicking the revision number link on the individual rule application page. Then click on the label.
To remove the label from the rule application
Click Remove. If the label is not assigned to any other rule applications, it will be deleted.
To rename the label
Enter the new name in the text box and click Rename. The label will be renamed for this and any other rule applications to which it is assigned.
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