Overview of the irCatalog Manager Website

  • Updated

Launching irCatalog Manager

To go to the irCatalog Manager Website, open your web browser and navigate to the irCatalog Manager address. Typically, this would be http://hostname/InRuleCatalogManager. Your InRule administrator will be able to give you the address for your installation. Log in with your irCatalog username and password.

irCatalog can be setup to authenticate using either the local irCatalog database or LDAP/Active Directory. This decision is made during installation. For more information about this configuration setting, see the Install Guide. If configured using LDAP, you'll use your domain credentials to log in. If using the local irCatalog database, the irCatalog environment comes with a default admin username and password.

If you need to reset the administrator username or password to connect to irCatalog successfully, there is an irServer Admin Account Reset tool for this purpose. This tool can be found in the install directory under irServer\irServerAdmin\irServerAdminAcctReset.exe. Both the account name and password may be changed if authentication is configured using the local irCatalog database. If LDAP/Active Directory is in use, only the account name may be reset. Passwords are maintained externally for the LDAP service.

Navigation Overview

The irCatalog Manager home page shows a dashboard of rule applications, users, groups (if applicable) and roles. 

Navigation Overview.png

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