InRule Metrics

  • Updated

InRule Metrics provides the ability to log field and rule values directly from the engine to a data store of your choosing. This information is valuable to see how rules are performing over time. They can be thought of as the Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) that can be tracked during rule execution.

In irAuthor, you can flag fields and select rules as a Metric. During execution, the engine will collect the field or rule name as well as the value of each. The engine will then emit the metrics to a Metric Logger (see InRule SDK Help File for more details). Metrics are emitted on a per entity basis, meaning all the fields and rules will be emitted in the context of its entity. For example in the screenshot below, if the Region and Total fields are flagged as metrics on the Invoice entity, the rule engine will emit an Invoice metric, with the name and values for Region and Total.

Selecting a field for metrics logging

Within entities, fields and calculations can be flagged as a metric.

  1. Select a field you wish to log.
  2. In the Metrics section, check the Output field as metric option.

Selecting a rule for metrics logging

InRule provides the ability to log If/Then syntax rule.

To flag the rules as metrics,

  1. Select a rule you wish to log.
  2. In the Metrics section, check the Output field as metric option.

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