Rule applications can be saved as:
- File System based files
- irCatalog stored revisions
Saving rule applications as files garners different distinctions in advantages versus saving rule applications into irCatalog. For example, saving a rule application as a file in the file system enables higher portability of the rule application; however, features such as permissions and check-out are not available. Saving rule applications into irCatalog enables features for check-out, permissions, and element sharing; however, access to the rule application is limited to authors with irCatalog logins.
At any time while working with irAuthor, users can open rule applications from irCatalog and save them as files and vice-versa. rule applications can be opened from files and saved into irCatalog as a new rule application or as a new revision to an existing rule application already stored in irCatalog.
Save a rule application in irAuthor
There are multiple ways to save a rule application in irAuthor.
Click on the File tab and select Save or Save As. Under this menu, you have three choices.
- Save to catalog: Saves the rule application to an irCatalog environment
- Save to file: Saves the rule application to the file system
- Save a copy: Saves a copy of the rule application to the file system, but keeps the original open in irAuthor
- Click the save button in the Quick Access Toolbar.
File System
When you save a rule application to the file system, the file is saved with the default name from the rule application settings, with the extension ruleappx. You can change the name of the file when you save the file. See Modifying rule application Settings for additional information on rule application naming.
A rule application can be saved to irCatalog to perform the same operation as a check-in for an existing irCatalog rule application or to save the rule application as a new rule application in irCatalog. By saving a new rule application into irCatalog, features such as check-out, element sharing, and permissions become available for that rule application. If you are not already logged into irCatalog, a login screen will be displayed.
After successfully logging into irCatalog, a screen will be displayed with available options on how to save to irCatalog.
Available Options for Saving a Rule Application to the Catalog
- Name: If the rule application has not been previously saved into irCatalog, the user can assign a name. Can only be entered if user selects Save As -> New
- Check in - Selecting Check In saves the changes as a revision in irCatalog. The option can be left unchecked if the rule application should be saved to irCatalog without being checked-in.
- Leave Checked-Out - Selecting Leave Checked-Out retains the checked-out status of the rule application or rule element. If selected, the check mark icon will remain after the check-in. If not selected, the lock icon will displayed after the check-in.
- This can be useful if the user has checked-out a rule application and made some changes, but is not yet ready to check them in, and wants to close irAuthor and resume work at another time. The rule application can be saved to the user's personal workspace and the user can close out irAuthor. When reopening the rule application, it will be retrieved from the personal workspace, at which time the user can make additional changes, check it in, or undo the check-out.Save to the user's workspace - The workspace is an additional irCatalog location set aside for each irCatalog user where that user can save a checked-out rule application without having to check it back in.
- The personal workspace is saved in the irCatalog database.
- The rule application must stay checked-out in order for the changes saved to the personal workspace to be retained. If an undo check-out is performed, the changes saved in the personal workspace will be lost.
- The personal workspace is per irCatalog user, and can only be accessed when logged into irCatalog as the same user.
- Save as: If the rule application has not been previously saved into irCatalog, the user can declare the rule application as either New or a new revision to an existing rule application thereby performing a check-in for that rule application.
- Label: Enabling Labels allows the user to assign a new or existing label to the revision for deployment or management purposes. Requires that the revision be checked-in.
- Comments: The user can insert text that is saved along with the revision in irCatalog. Related Topics For more detailed information on saving rule application into irCatalog or taking advantage of enhanced management capabilities of irCatalog, see catalog operations
Related Topics
For more detailed information on saving rule application into irCatalog or taking advantage of enhanced management capabilities of irCatalog, see Catalog Operations
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