Getting Started

  • Updated

This section will introduce you to irAuthor and provides a tutorial for building a very simple rule application. This rule application will be self-contained, so it will have no dependencies on external resources (i.e. .NET assemblies, XML docs, databases, web services, etc.). The purpose of this is to get you started using irAuthor, but in a real world scenario, you would most likely have external resources that you will use in your rule application. This tutorial will only cover some of the features of irAuthor and irVerify, and will not cover other components of InRule, such as irServer (irCatalog), irWord, and irSDK. Therefore, the building a .NET application that integrates with InRule (using irSDK) will not be covered in this tutorial, but we have plenty of examples of this available for download on our website.

For detailed descriptions of all options available for each authoring screen, refer to the Authoring Rule Applications section.

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