InRule Decisioning Version 4.5.x Release Notes

  • Updated
Type Case ID Summary Description
CHANGE     89995 Installer: The irSDK folder has fewer third party assemblies
CHANGE     90858 Execution: Parallelization options for function compile and execution are separately configurable via irSDK • For some rule applications this will result in a slower upfront function compile. A new setting, MaxCompilationCores, has been created to control the number of cores used for an upfront function compile. Additionally, the execution parallelization setting was renamed to MaxExecutionCores.
CHANGE     95064 Authoring: The rule template name is not displayed or editable on the template screen • Resolved. The vocabulary template name is now shown in template views.
CHANGE     95212 Catalog: General navigation speed has been improved for Catalog Manager
CHANGE     96680 Execution: Catalog runtime client-side file cache removed • The following InRule.Runtime configuration settings were removed; cacheExpirationAge, cachePurgeInterval, and refreshFailureLimit
CHANGE     98987 Execution: ToXml and ToInnerXml functions may no longer be used on non-entity fields – a compile error will result
FEATURE    37545 Catalog: Catalog manager allows users to delete older revisions of a rule app • Use less disk space, increase usability and improve the performance of irCatalog by removing revision history that is no longer needed.
FEATURE    55121 Authoring: Records within an inline table and value list can be sorted
FEATURE    55205 Authoring: The difference report performance has been improved
FEATURE    90084 Catalog: The performance of catalog use in runtime scenarios has been improved
FEATURE    90860 Execution: InRule compile and runtime errors have public codes exposed • The error codes are also documented in the help file
FEATURE    93941 Execution: An Entity ID or Instance ID may now be looked up from either RuleSession or ContextObject, including checking for existence
FEATURE    94478 Execution: Detail statistics logging performance has been improved
FEATURE    94682 Execution: Host ProcessId and ProcessUpTime are available from Execution Summary Statistics • Info level logging now shows the process id and the InRule process up time. InRule exception logging now shows the process id.
FEATURE    95022 Execution: Engine log options has a new logging value; Rule values • For irSDK usage, the new logging option is off by default. For irAuthor / irVerify usage, the rule values are on by default. Additionally, irSDK users launching irVerify from the SDK will require this value be enabled.
FEATURE    95213 Authoring: The name of the template is now included in the vocabulary template report
FEATURE    95346 Authoring: Rule trace details tool tip have an increased timeout and are now easier to read
FEATURE    95553 Execution: The impact of the rule engine cold start has been significantly lessened • The rule engine cold start time has been reduced by 10% to 60%
FEATURE    95720 Authoring: The difference report now shows details for modified vocabulary templates
FEATURE    95779 Catalog: irCatalog account reset now supports remotely installed or cloud-based catalogs
FEATURE    95834 Authoring: In-line value lists are now sortable by either display name or value
FEATURE    95869 Installer: The installation experience has been significantly improved • Through the use of on-screen documentation, prerequisite checks and post-installation validations the installer now makes it much easier to resolve any environmental issues that will prevent a successful installation of InRule components.
FEATURE    95944 Execution: State Changes and Execution Events logging performance has been improved
FEATURE    96482 Execution: The rule engine supports a regular expression select function • Rule expressions can now be created that select a substring of text from a text field using a regular expression. The new function, RegexSelect, has additional documentation in the Authoring help in the topic, Reference -> Function Reference -> String Function List -> RegexSelect
FEATURE    96764 Authoring: CreateRootToken methods on the TemplateEngine class now have public access  
FEATURE    96787 Execution: DataContractFormatter integration is set to handle duplicate and circular references when the "Allow XML rendering with duplicate instances" is set to true
FEATURE    97432 Authoring: irVerify has the ability to run rule application performance tests • This feature makes it easier to determine how changes to rules and logging settings will impact performance. It also allows performance regressions to be uncovered more easily. More details on this feature are found in the authoring documentation in the section irVerify for Rule Testing -> Test Suites and Regression Testing -> Performance Tests
FEATURE    98822 Authoring: The Fire Notification system template has been updated to work inline • An inline template is used instead of a popup
FEATURE    98823 Authoring: The BL type ahead menu shows tokens which match anywhere in the token text • The type ahead menu allows partial token matching and the matching text is highlighted in the filtered menu items
FEATURE    98839 Documentation: An installation guide is installed with the InRule product • The installation guide is available in the doc folder of the InRule installation directory
FEATURE    98851 Installer: Show password in the installer screens • Anywhere in the installer where there is a masked password text box there is a "Show Password"
FEATURE    98886 Installer: Activation during installation now occurs after pre-requisite checks, not before
FEATURE    99331 Authoring: The actual data type is now displayed in the vocabulary template placeholder grid instead of "Data Type" • A comma separated list of actual data types is displayed
FEATURE    99336 Authoring: Business language rules can use a concatenation operator • Strings can be concatenated in BL using an "&"
FEATURE    99536 Authoring: irAuthor now has the ability to add rules and fields from the toolbar without having to right click on an entity or rule set  
ISSUE      100523 Authoring: Opening a Rule Application created using InRule 4.1 having web services with output mappings fails with a null reference error • Resolved
ISSUE      100610 Execution: irSDK: Calling ParseXml on an object-bound Entity Field throws Null Reference Exception • Resolved
ISSUE      100775 Execution: MonthDiff function returns wrong value when input values span years • Resolved
ISSUE      77018 Catalog: Intermittent catalog exception is encountered during runtime, "Session with given guid already exists" • Resolved
ISSUE      84785 Authoring: The Import Table from database screen has an undersized textbox • Resolved
ISSUE      85740 Authoring: When moving rules up or down, an unhandled exception is encountered in irAuthor • Resolved
ISSUE      86285 Catalog: Catalog Manager gives a misleading error message if a timeout occurs while logging into the catalog • Resolved
ISSUE      88629 Catalog: Cannot connect to catalog using LDAP or SSO after upgrading to 4.1.9 • Resolved
ISSUE      89213 Authoring: A fields default XML name is blank, and only gets updated after toggling the node type dropdown • Resolved
ISSUE      89214 Authoring: Duplicate function is incorrectly copying the XML name field from another field • Resolved
ISSUE      89258 Authoring: irAuthor crashes during authentication during undo checkout • Resolved
ISSUE      89305 Authoring: The Replace / Append option is sometimes missing on the return settings screen for an Execute SQL Query action • Resolved
ISSUE      89382 Authoring: Using an "is equal to assertion" in an irVerify test suite fails when attempting to access collection members • Resolved
ISSUE      89384 Authoring: irVerify compare XML test suite passes when XML is actually different • Resolved
ISSUE      89423 Authoring: irVerify renders fields incorrectly after loading XML • Resolved
ISSUE      89461 Execution: OLEDB queries containing parameters with specific usages causes Access Violation error when using Oracle, or other error when using SQL Server • Resolved
ISSUE      89648 Catalog: Catalog Manager Diagnostics throws an exception when the concurrency table has stuck record • Resolved
ISSUE      89658 Catalog: Catalog cannot merge a shared schema change when a second user is consuming the schema • Resolved
ISSUE      89799 Catalog: Catalog cannot authenticate using LDAP • Resolved
ISSUE      89806 Execution: Rule application with web service endpoint fails to compile if the rule application is compiled in a separate app domain from default executable domain • Resolved
ISSUE      89897 Catalog: Catalog does not accept user names containing the "$" character  • Resolved
ISSUE      89982 Execution: Rule compiler crashes process with a Stack Overflow during copy entity scenario when the rule application has a circular reference • Resolved
ISSUE      90009 Authoring: Quotes within a language rule show incorrectly as " • Resolved
ISSUE      90071 Execution: Catalog checks for latest rule application on every execution after initial refresh interval expires • Resolved
ISSUE      90118 Authoring: Error when trying to load a test scenario file into either input or output data state in a regression tester test suite • Resolved
ISSUE      90127 Authoring: irVerify continuously throws an unrecoverable error after clicking New on the entity field, causing irAuthor to hang  • Resolved
ISSUE      90224 Authoring: Unable to enter data for independent rule set entity parameters within irVerify • Resolved
ISSUE      90232 Authoring: Large entity collections cause irVerify to hang, become unresponsive, use more than 1GB of memory, and hang irAuthor • Resolved
ISSUE      90234 Execution: Two explicit rule sets with a common parameter name will result in one of the rule sets not having its parameters set as expected  • Resolved
ISSUE      90238 Execution: An error occurs when attempting to add a new collection member defined as List<int> because the value is not defaulting to 0 and the list does not allow null • Resolved
ISSUE      90239 Catalog: Running diagnostics during a catalog database upgrade throws an error and does not complete the upgrade • Resolved
ISSUE      90253 Execution: Unable to increase the SQL query timeout because the runtime config setting, dbCommand commandTimeout, is missing • Resolved
ISSUE      90257 Execution: SQL query caching is stored per rule session, as opposed per AppDomain • Resolved
ISSUE      90261 Execution: Clearing a collection in C# and then executing a rule which adds to the collection will result in the error, "Index was out of range" • Resolved
ISSUE      90262 Execution: Vague rule execution error encountered when a UDF calls a .NET assembly and the assembly cannot be found • Resolved
ISSUE      90263 Execution: License activation fails on a virtual machine with error "The system clock was modified" in some timezones • Resolved
ISSUE      90355 Authoring: After adding a placeholder to a non-expression template, all referenced rules are shown in red with the name of the template • Resolved
ISSUE      90390 Authoring: The ConditionEditor business language control was not saving any changes when used in BL mode • Resolved
ISSUE      90544 Execution: Default values on runtime bound nullable primitive collection values are ignored at runtime • Resolved
ISSUE      90638 Authoring: When generating a rule application with BL rules via code, an error is encountered when opening it in Silverlight • Resolved
ISSUE      90640 Authoring: irAuthor crashes when clicking the View button on the XSD Schema screen within a rule application that has an embedded schema • Resolved
ISSUE      90641 Authoring: Attempting to edit duplicated data state in a test scenario will result in an object reference error • Resolved
ISSUE      90642 Execution: An "Element is no longer valid" error is encountered when replacing an entity collection member with itself • Resolved
ISSUE      90643 Authoring: Creating a new test from within an existing regression test will not populate the input data state drop down list • Resolved
ISSUE      90826 Authoring: irAuthor throws an unhandled exception when validating a rule app that contains an expression template that recursively calls itself • Resolved
ISSUE      90843 Execution: Upfront function compile of a rule application is using 100% of all CPU cores and can cause IIS to be sluggish • Resolved
ISSUE      90863 Catalog: The client rule application cache does not refresh to the latest version of rules even if the process is restarted and the refresh interval has not expired • Resolved
ISSUE      91210 Execution: UDF same-type comparisons fail in some cases and implicit casting does not work when assigning to UDF arguments and within UDF expressions • Resolved
ISSUE      91731 Authoring: Clicking on a chosen BL template will list a different template that was not chosen • Resolved
ISSUE      91735 Authoring: irAuthor throws an unhandled exception when a timeout occurs during check out of a rule app from the catalog • Resolved
ISSUE      91750 Authoring: Renaming a SQL query removes it from the query value list selection • Resolved
ISSUE      91754 Authoring: Adding a new entity to an existing member in a collection in irVerify does not remove the old entity reference and throws an error while attempting to view entity instance XML • Resolved
ISSUE      92598 Execution: When InRule is installed to the GAC, the EndPointAssemblies path is incorrect and irAuthor copies assemblies to the GAC folder • Resolved
ISSUE      92737 Authoring: When trying to re-import an existing XSD schema into a rule application a null reference error is encountered • Resolved
ISSUE      92743 Catalog: The database rebuild script is throwing the error, "Index does not exist", when executed after an InRule installation • Resolved
ISSUE      92751 Catalog: After upgrading to InRule 4.5 and opening a catalog rule application, which uses XSD endpoints, an exception will occur with the message, "There are multiple root elements" • Resolved
ISSUE      92780 Execution: Logging for state refresh operations were missing some messages and some logging was out of sequence • Additional execution log messages are now being generated for when a refresh occurs after a user method
ISSUE      92918 Authoring: Grids on the Edit Template screen are not formatted correctly in specific situations • Resolved
ISSUE      92964 Authoring: Syntax expression intellisense does not show UDF’s • Resolved
ISSUE      93092 Authoring: Function names do not show up in syntax expression intellisense • Resolved
ISSUE      93919 Authoring: irVerify throws an error when you try to float one of the windows • The ability to float a window has been disabled
ISSUE      93944 Execution: Creating an entity and setting its instance id in a static method at runtime is not persisting the id back to the calling irSDK code • Resolved
ISSUE      93953 Authoring: The default value check mark on a field is always unchecked if the schema is checked into the catalog • Resolved
ISSUE      94048 Authoring: The Edit Vocabulary Template dialog box unexpectedly displays after closing the Points of Interest windows • Resolved
ISSUE      94049 Authoring: Points of Interest shows different results for a vocabulary template depending on how you navigate to the template • Resolved
ISSUE      94100 Authoring: Selecting a primitive field for an ExecuteWebservice action output mapping results in an error. Existing field values or manually entering the field name would not throw an error. • Resolved. irAuthor does not throw an error when primitive fields are selected using the field picker.
ISSUE      94132 Execution: ValueList.Name is blank when accessing it using SDK, but ValueList.SourceValueListName returns the name • ValueList.Name now returns the name
ISSUE      94163 Execution: Classifications are not evaluating after applying rules • Resolved
ISSUE      94170 Catalog: When a schema element has been changed and another schema element has been added from / to a shared schema, consuming rule applications getting latest schema see an error on attempted checkin: "Def not checked out" • Resolved
ISSUE      94171 Catalog: Creating a copy of a rule application using the CreateRuleApp method and setting the share parameter to true causes database corruption • Resolved
ISSUE      94350 Authoring: irAuthor throws an unhandled exception when saving to irCatalog and the catalog is no longer available • Resolved
ISSUE      94369 Execution: Rule execution log incorrectly shows over 100 lines of "_defaultsRuleset" actions • Resolved. Default rule set actions are not shown in the rule execution log.
ISSUE      94413 Authoring: irAuthor throws an unhandled exception when editing a rule flow condition element when there are rule flow validation errors • Resolved
ISSUE      94448 Authoring: A business language rule, which references a complex field but no subfield, does not produce a validation error and inconsistently produces a runtime error • A validation error is thrown when no subfield is selected
ISSUE      94456 Execution: An "Unable to find element" error is encountered when trying to load a test scenario which was saved via irSDK after updating a field in the entity and then running rules • Resolved
ISSUE      94743 Catalog: When one or more notes appear on a language rule, and the authoring time zone differs from the authored time zone, a "Def not checked out" error occurs when attempting to check in a rule set • Resolved
ISSUE      94819 Catalog: Cannot undo rule set check-out from catalog manager for a different user when more than one rule set is checked out • Resolved
ISSUE      94829 Catalog: Cannot undo rule set check-out as expected when another user has checked in rule application changes • Resolved
ISSUE      94975 Execution: A UDF attempting to call a user static method having Int32 arguments fails with casting error • Resolved
ISSUE      95004 Execution: Executing an independent rule set that takes an entity parameter using irSOA will crash the w3wp.exe process if the parameter name specified in code does not match the parameter name in the rule app • Resolved
ISSUE      95005 Authoring: A language rule using an expression template which has a parameter accepting both a value list and an expression is not resolving and being displayed in red. • If the first attempt to resolve a custom template fails, other custom templates will be considered for matching. If no match is found, the default error template will be returned.
ISSUE      95008 Execution: A UDF call to a user static or instance method which returns an object (corresponding to an authoring-bound type) fails with casting error • Resolved
ISSUE      95052 Authoring: The Tooltip for the parent context checkbox does not accurately describe its purpose. • The Tooltip has been reworded with a better description
ISSUE      95070 Execution: IsNull function returns incorrect result for SQL queries of type integer when the return value is null • Resolved
ISSUE      95071 Execution: Unexpected operation error encountered while attempting to use a SQL query of type integer in an integer value expression and the query returns a null value • Resolved
ISSUE      95073 Execution: If multiple threads attempt to concurrently compile the same rule application then the runtime engine will log multiple compile events for a single rule application compile or other errors may occur • Resolved. There is now only one info-level log event created for a given compile.
ISSUE      95200 Execution: Null reference exception is encountered while attempting to run a SQL query containing unsupported count function against an inline table • Resolved. A detailed engine exception is now thrown when an unsupported inline table query syntax is encountered
ISSUE      95222 Execution: Null reference exception encountered while attempting to load an upgraded testscenario file in irVerify • Resolved
ISSUE      95317 Execution: Rule tracing is not showing the correct value of conditions passed in functions such as AllAreTrue • Resolved.
ISSUE      95331 Authoring: When using a bound schema, marking a field as temporary in irAuthor does not enable editing of the field name unless the user leaves and returns to the field editing screen • Resolved. The user is no longer required to leave the edit screen and then return in order to change the name of a newly created temp field.
ISSUE      95392 Authoring: irVerify does not refresh all fields and will show stale answers if an entity relationship is assigned in both a one-to-many and one-to-one relationship • Resolved
ISSUE      95477 Authoring: A Null Ref exception is encountered when deleting a duplicate value list entry • Resolved
ISSUE      95499 Execution: Runtime engine is not returning entity level validations when they exist while reusing the rule session • Resolved.
ISSUE      95501 Catalog: After deleting an entity in a shared schema, rule apps that consume the shared schema throw a "Def is not checked out" error after getting latest and trying to check in the rule app • Resolved.
ISSUE      95503 Execution: Catalog polling call client timeout defaults to 10sec, which can result in a timeout in server cold start scenario even when the rule app reference timeout is set longer • Resolved. The refreshConnectionTimeout config setting has been removed and the connectionTimeout setting on the rule app reference will be used instead
ISSUE      95506 Authoring: Database endpoint of type "other" is not persisting the Assembly name and Type name in rule app • Resolved.
ISSUE      95608 Execution: Error occurs when saving a test scenario if the rule app is bound to an object containing List<string> • Resolved.
ISSUE      95696 Catalog: When using irSOA, retrieving a rule app from catalog by label does not work and always retrieves the latest revision • Resolved.
ISSUE      95700 Catalog: Checking out consumed shared schema and then checking back in throws "Cannot insert duplicate key" SQL error • Resolved
ISSUE      95706 Authoring: When upgrading from v3.2 to v4.5, rule applications with external method calls with overloads will fail to compile • Resolved.
ISSUE      96025 Authoring: irAuthor allows you to add any number of decision table actions, but then only displays 20 actions and gives message to contact InRule Support • The max number of decision table actions displayed in irAuthor is now 500
ISSUE      96084 Authoring: When configuring an existing "Other" database endpoint, the previously entered information is not populated in the Database Connection Info dialog • Resolved
ISSUE      96097 Execution: Interrogating RuleElement Value from UDF throws runtime error "Cannot access the RuleSession while the engine is executing" • Resolved
ISSUE      96138 Installer: An Oracle catalog install fails with "Could not find pattern..." error • Resolved
ISSUE      96230 Authoring: When copying a Language rule from one rule app (source) to another rule app (target), the hint table in target rule app contains the rule app name from the source rule app • Resolved. Artifacts from the source rule application do not appear in the target rule application
ISSUE      96241 Execution: Catalog refresh event log misleading warning "Unable to parse Catalog Rule Application cache lock file. Forcing download" message occurring on every rulesession refresh request • Resolved. The incorrect log message has been fixed.
ISSUE      96406 Authoring: Business language rules with Execute Rule Set actions are showing the incorrect rule set name in some cases • Resolved
ISSUE      96466 Execution: After a rule execution timeout error, a cached rule app seems to be corrupted and does not execute correctly until the rule app is re-cached • Resolved
ISSUE      96490 Execution: The detail statistics report no longer shows External DB queries as separate line items, and mixes method calls with the Data Operations • Resolved
ISSUE      96542 Authoring: Changes to a newly copied vocabulary template do not get persisted • Resolved
ISSUE      96545 Execution: TestScenario load fails in irVerify with a Null Ref Exception if a user removes a field from a previously saved schema • Resolved
ISSUE      96650 Authoring: Renaming a vocabulary template placeholder causes BL rules that reference the template to turn red • Resolved
ISSUE      96743 Authoring: The "Indent Members" XML option on the Collection screen has no effect • Resolved. This has been obsolete and has been removed. There is only the rule application level indent setting for "Indent Members"
ISSUE      96761 Execution: Calculations that have no dependencies do not fire in recursive nested entity structure • Resolved
ISSUE      96762 Authoring: Column title is missing for "Categories" column on "entity rules" screen • Resolved
ISSUE      96770 Execution: Self-referencing calculations throw unnecessary compile error • Resolved
ISSUE      96907 Execution: Runtime compiled rule application cache key is case-sensitive, which results in extra compiles when there are only case differences • Resolved. FileSystem rule application cache-key is now case-insensitive. Catalog cache-key rule application name is case-sensitive, whereas, the catalog URI is now case-insensitive.
ISSUE      96914 Authoring: Database Schema element incorrectly displays the number of fields as 0 • Resolved. The "Number of fields" column has been removed.
ISSUE      97056 Authoring: An error occurs when trying to copy/paste a context rule set • Resolved
ISSUE      97065 Authoring: irVerify does not allow checking the checkbox for a boolean parameter of an explicit rule set • Resolved
ISSUE      97303 Installer: Activation Utility throws an exception when trying to create event log and InRule.Runtime.dll is not in the same directory • Resolved. InRule.Runtime.dll is listed as a dependency at the top of the Activation Utility screen. Additionally, if InRule.Runtime.dll is missing, then event log registration is disabled
ISSUE      97350 Execution: The rule engine polls irCatalog on every apply rules request after the first catalog rule application refresh interval expires • Resolved.
ISSUE      97425 Catalog: Catalog service throws a “404 Not Found” error if the rule application is particularly large • Resolved
ISSUE      97467 Catalog: A shared schema having a .NET Assembly Schema gets "Def is not checked out" error when attempting to check-in after getting latest shared schema changes • Resolved
ISSUE      97467 Catalog: A shared schema having a .NET Assembly Schema gets "Def is not checked out" error when attempting to check-in after getting latest shared schema changes • Resolved
ISSUE      97471 Execution: A null ref exception is encountered after a test scenario is loaded and an independent rule set is called with the root entity as an argument • Resolved
ISSUE      97471 Execution: A null ref exception is encountered after a test scenario is loaded and an independent rule set is called with the root entity as an argument • Resolved
ISSUE      97626 Catalog: Exception encountered when saving a schema bound rule application with rule sets on complex fields to the catalog • Resolved
ISSUE      97745 Authoring: Decision Table business language actions created in 3.2.3 do not correctly convert in 4.5 causing irAuthor to lockup on open • Resolved. This was newly introduced with 4.1.2
ISSUE      97775 Execution: Type not found Error encountered when adding the irSOA WSDL definition to SoapUI while attempting to add a web service test • The WSDL error is resolved
ISSUE      97778 Execution: Cannot override CatalogConnectionTimeout property when using irSOA as a service reference • Resolved
ISSUE      97788 Execution: IsDate and IsDateTime functions are not working as described in the function help • These now work as described in the function help, and additional examples are provided.
ISSUE      97809 Authoring: Query value list is retrieving incorrect values in irVerify but shows the correct values when refreshing the query in irAuthor • Resolved
ISSUE      98756 Execution: Notification object no longer has public properties that contains the rule set name • Notification.ElementId has been made public and Notification.UniqueKey obsolete
ISSUE      98810 Execution: InRule licensing validation always performs high-overhead filesystem permission checks • Resolved. The filesystem permission checks are now only done during a license failure condition
ISSUE      98828 Catalog: irAuthor navigating catalog RuleApp is very sluggish with a remotely-deployed catalog service • Resolved
ISSUE      98920 Execution: When calling an execute SQL query that runs a stored procedure with an output parameter, the field that gets set to the output parameter is rounded to the nearest integer • Resolved
ISSUE      98942 Licensing: Activation Utility doesn’t support irX-CRM • irAuthor License Information Screen shows irX-CRM license status, and supports invocation of Activation Utility
ISSUE      98977 Authoring: When changing field with circular reference using BL, irAuthor hangs and causes loss of work • Resolved
ISSUE      99176 Execution: UDFs that parse strings containing delimiters return incorrect answers or throw unexpected casting exceptions • Resolved
ISSUE      99347 Authoring: Regression Tester: Assertion Test which has a "Notification has fired" assertion throws a null ref exception • Resolved
ISSUE      99478 Authoring: Loading a web service end point throws the error "Failed to read WSDL: Error generating proxy from WSDL." • Resolved
ISSUE      99547 Authoring: Web Service Action does not allow mapping of input and output types after importing a WSDL which has nillable="true" elements • Resolved. This was first introduced in 4.5.0
ISSUE      99890 Execution: Entities imported from XML Schema EndPoint backed by a xs:simpleContent extension fail to serialize/deserialize correctly when a Temporary StateLocation Field is present • Resolved
ISSUE      99969 Execution: Entity fields on object-bound schemas, having a default value, are not being assigned to their containing entity • Resolved
SCHEMA     RULEAPP-77 Rule Application XML FeatureVersion increase to 77 • The Rule Application XML FeatureVersion increased to version 77 with the addition of Vocabulary templates for Execute Web Service Action and Remove Collection Member Action.
SCHEMA     RULEAPP-78 Rule Application XML FeatureVersion increase to 78 • The Rule Application XML FeatureVersion increased to version 78 with the addition of multi-value placeholders for Vocabulary Templates and UDFs.

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