Type | Case ID | Summary | Description |
CHANGE | 97631 | Catalog: Rule Application name on latest revision is propagated to all earlier revisions | • Previously, the Rule Application name would differ across revisions if renamed |
FEATURE | 0 | Improved User Experience for Activation Utility & Installer Licensing Screens |
• The Activation Utility and the licensing screens in the Installer have been redesigned to simplify the license activation and deactivation process. |
FEATURE | 100080 | Authoring: Business Language aggregate template filter parameter now includes parent and outer contexts in menu |
• The Business Language menu on the parameter placeholder for the built-in aggregate templates only showed the context of the child entity member. It now also shows the context of the parent entity and all outer entities including the ruleset context for variables - as these are all valid contexts to be selecting and work in syntax. |
FEATURE | 100121 | irX for CRM: Support N:N relationships from CRM | • irX for CRM can import schema information and data from CRM N:N relationships |
FEATURE | 100187 | Authoring: Use the != operator in language rules | • Syntax rules that specify “!=” can be converted to language rules; previously, only the “<>” notation could be converted |
FEATURE | 100189 | Authoring: Use the GetMemberValueByIndex function in language rules | • Syntax rules that use the GetMemberValueByIndex function can be converted to and expressed in language rules |
FEATURE | 100190 | Authoring: Use the GetFirstValue function in language rules | • Syntax rules that use the GetFirstValue function can be converted to and expressed in language rules |
FEATURE | 100191 | Authoring: Use the GetLastValue function in language rules | • Syntax rules that use the GetLastValue function can be converted to and expressed in language rules |
FEATURE | 100192 | Authoring: Use the Safe function in language rules | • Syntax rules that use the Safe function can be converted to and expressed in language rules |
FEATURE | 100193 | Authoring: Use the Lookup function in language rules | • Syntax rules that use the Lookup function can be converted to and expressed in language rules |
FEATURE | 100194 | Authoring: Use the TableLookup function in language rules | • Syntax rules that use the TableLookup function can be converted to and expressed in language rules |
FEATURE | 100432 | When a license has been successfully activated, show the expiration date (or that it never expires) | • Upon activation, the expiration date (or "Never Expires") is now displayed on the screen in the installer and activation utility. |
FEATURE | 100556 | Authoring: Create a rule template placeholder that can accept a list of values | • You may specify a list of values for any placeholder • In language rules, the placeholder works like "Is Among" template, allowing users to enter multiple values for the placeholder |
FEATURE | 100587 | Authoring: New IsNumeric function | • New function IsNumeric will determine if a field or expression is numeric, and New language rule support for IsNumeric |
FEATURE | 100910 | Authoring: New IsNotNullOrEmpty function | • New function IsNotNullOrEmpty to complement the existing IsNullOrEmpty function, and New language rule support for IsNotNullOrEmpty |
FEATURE | 101045 | Authoring: Add a "Top Matches" section for BL type ahead menu showing items that start with what the user has typed in | • Since the language rule typeahead menu now shows any matching items that contain the text already typed (instead of starting with the text), there is now a Top Matches section which shows the most likely choices |
FEATURE | 101108 | Execution: Get Entity State in JSON format | • When working with the irServer REST endpoint, JSON format may be used instead of a mixture of JSON and XML |
FEATURE | 101110 | Authoring: Add ability to generate entities and fields by inferring schema from sample of JSON | • You can select a JSON file or paste a JSON snippet into irAuthor, and it will generate entities, fields and relationships based on inferring the schema from the JSON. |
FEATURE | 101207 | Authoring: Make Edit Classification box expandable to show more than 5 lines | • The Edit Classification box is 100 pixels taller than before |
FEATURE | 101470 | Provide option to compile Catalog rule applications on a background thread |
• When a rule application is pulled from the catalog, it is cached on the client. If the compiled rule application is still in the client cache and within the refresh interval when a new RuleSession is created with the CatalogRuleApplicationReference, the cached rule application is used. If the refresh interval has expired, InRule performs a lightweight polling operation to the Catalog to see if a newer version is available. If a new version is available, the latest revision is downloaded, compiled and cached. By default, the polling and recompilation will be performed on the main thread. This feature provides a new configuration option to enable changing the default behavior and to poll and compile on a background thread. With this setting, the previous version will continue to be available for execution until the new version has finished compiling. |
FEATURE | 101630 | IrX for Dynamics: Find now searches based on Dynamics CRM entity and field name attributes |
• CRM underlying entity and field names managed as attributes are now searchable. |
FEATURE | 101759 | Authoring: Allow the fire notification message placeholder to take all primitive types | • The Fire Notification template now accepts all primitive data types in the message placeholder instead of just text. |
FEATURE | 102065 | Support: Feedback service dialog attaches the rule application by default |
• When an error occurs, the feedback service dialog attaches the rule application. The user may choose not to attach the rule application, if desired. |
FEATURE | 102098 | Support: When submitting feedback service errors, capture a screenshot of the screen where the error occurred |
• When an error occurs, the feedback service dialog attaches a screenshot of irAuthor. The user may choose not to attach the screenshot, if desired. |
FEATURE | 102125 | Authoring: Show rule application revision in irAuthor | • For catalog rule applications, the revision number is displayed in the bottom margin of the irAuthor window |
FEATURE | 102284 | Authoring: Create a new value list in Business Language based on a subset of values from an existing value list |
• For example, you may pass a subset of values into a UDF. |
FEATURE | 102285 | Authoring: Create a brand new value list in BL (inline) |
• You are now able to create a new value list in Business Language inline allowing you to create a value list that can be passed into a UDF without having a pre-defined value list. |
FEATURE | 102286 | Authoring: In the vocabulary template dialogs the placeholders reflect what was selected in the placeholder dialog |
• The placeholder grid data type names match the names in the placeholder dialog. |
FEATURE | 102331 | Catalog Manager appears to "freeze" during rule application promotion. |
• Catalog Manager should shows a progress window during rule application promotion. |
FEATURE | 102332 | Catalog Manager: Rule Application nodes appear to be unresponsive, especially for rule applications that have > 20 revisions |
• Catalog Manager performance has been improved, and long-running operations will display a progress window. |
FEATURE | 102337 | irX for CRM should save previously entered user names for reuse | • irX will now store all previously entered user names. These will be available for selection from the user name drop down. The user names can be cleared via the irAuthor options menu. |
FEATURE | 102833 | Repository: irCatalog should be configurable using Azure configuration settings |
• Settings that are normally manipulated in the web.config file of the catalog may now be changed in the Azure portal. |
FEATURE | 102844 | Runtime: Rule application path is valid only when a file-based rule application is used when applying rules in REST service |
• The path is only verified when a call to the service requests a file-based rule application. |
FEATURE | 102853 | Authoring: Add maximize button to Decision Table Action screen |
• You may now maximize the Decision Table Action screen |
FEATURE | 102868 | Functions: Add ToJson function |
• You may now retrieve JSON from an entity or field, the same as you could before with XML. |
FEATURE | 103230 | irX support for CRM 2013 API |
• irX is now compiled against CRM 2013, but still has full backward compatibility with CRM 2011. |
FEATURE | 103324 | Installation: irX for Microsoft Dynamics CRM now installs as an InRule feature | • For upgrades, if a user already has irX installed, after the upgrade their Add Remove Programs listing will only show a single "InRule" entry, but irX will remain installed as a feature under the new merged installer. |
FEATURE | 103427 | REST Operation support for explicit rule sets with parameter(s) |
• REST calls can now be made to explicit RuleSets with required parameters. Previously, REST operations could only call explicit RuleSets without parameters. |
FEATURE | 103450 | HTTP help page for irServer Execution Service REST endpoint |
• The WCF auto-generated help page, with details of the REST execution service, can now be enabled and made available in the browser via the service URI. These details include the available operations of the service and help provide confirmation that the service is installed and responsive. |
FEATURE | 103525 | Add Info Level Logging for assemblies loaded via Repository, RunTime and irAuthor | • When clients were unable to connect to an Oracle client (often times due to version mismatch), it was difficult to troubleshoot. To address this, Info level logging has been added to show directories searched, where assemblies were found, and which one was loaded. |
FEATURE | 103587 | Improved user interface for "Created Date" versioning functionality | • (1) In Rule App Settings, when Versions is checked, the created checkbox is now defaulted to off (opt-in). (2) On the Version Settings Tab, the Created Date now only appears if the checkbox on the settings page is checked. (3) On the Versions Tab grid, the Created Date column now only appears if the checkbox on the settings page is checked. (4) If Created Date is not in use, any default values are correctly populated so that execution works the same as in previous versions. (5) The help file has been updated with a clearer explanation of how Created Dates work, as well as when and why they should be used. |
FEATURE | 103684 | .NET Assembly Import: Add options to control creation of value lists and constraints for enumerations |
• Previously, any .NET assembly imported with enumerations automatically created both value lists and constraints for those enumerations. With this feature, 2 settings have been added to allow the creation of value lists and constraints to be controlled. The new options are "Bind Enum fields/properties to Value Lists" and "Create Constraints for Enum fields/properties". NOTE: These option additions require a rule application schema upgrade. |
FEATURE | 103952 | Expression Editor focus should be placed in the expression textbox after launching editor | • The cursor is now automatically placed in the Expression Editor textbox when accessed. |
FEATURE | 103965 | Improve documentation related to catalog security in Authoring help file so that it better explains the built-in roles and permissions | • Detailed descriptions have been added to the help file for catalog security permissions and roles. |
FEATURE | 104065 | irSDK Help: Add instructions for how to enable the HTTP help page for irServer Execution Service REST endpoint |
• Instructions for enabling the WCF auto-generated help page, with details of the REST execution service, has been added to the irSDK Help file. |
FEATURE | 104335 | REST Operation: Add support for "Put" and "Delete" verbs | • The REST Operation now supports "Put" and "Delete" verbs in addition to "Get" and "Post". |
FEATURE | 104491 | irSDK help: Better organize the "irServer - Rules Execution Service" section | • The irSDK help "irServer - Rules Execution Service" section has been re-organized to have 2 main sections for "Accessing the Rules Execution Service via SOAP" and "Accessing the Rules Execution Service via REST". |
FEATURE | 104511 | Decision Table grid: Retain column width settings | • The column widths of the decision table are now saved to the Rule App definition for cross-session persistence as long as the file is editable. If the Rule App is not editable (e.g. checked in), the widths will be saved for the entire session. |
FEATURE | 104578 | Update the default setting to "False" for including aggregate statistics in the Catalog response SOAP header | • The enableRepositoryServiceAggrStats parameter specifies if aggregate statistics shall be included in the SOAP header for all Catalog responses. The default for this setting has been updated to "False". The setting has also been added to the Catalog Service configuration file. |
FEATURE | 104607 | Update Help CHM Window Titles to differentiate between the different help files. All currently say "InRule Help". | • Help CHM file titles have been updated from "InRule Help" to the correct associated help file name. |
FEATURE | 104677 | Catalog group names should not be editable | • Catalog groups are only visible when using Active Directory (SSO). To prevent naming conflicts, the name will come from Active Directory when the group is added via irCatalog Manager. Once added, the group name will not be editable. |
FEATURE | 104694 | Create BL collection functions for "any members exist in" and "no members exist in" | • Business Language boolean functions have been added for "any members exist in" and "no members exist in". Both templates have an optional "filtered by" clause. |
FEATURE | 104718 | Validate irX for CRM support for Microsoft Dynamics® CRM Server 2015 and update Installation Help documentation | • Validated irX for CRM support for Microsoft Dynamics® CRM Server 2015. No code updates were necessary. The Installation Help file > Installation Prerequisites section was updated to list Microsoft Dynamics® CRM Server 2015 support. |
FEATURE | 105332 | Provide an "unbind" option for managed elements | • Previously, "unbind" to remove ownership of a managed element was only available via irCatalog Manager. This functionality is now available directly within irAuthor for each managed element. |
FEATURE | 105334 | Provide visualization that a managed element is "bound" | • There is now an icon to indicate (1) if a managed element is bound to the current rule application, or (2) bound to another rule application. |
FEATURE | 105335 | Share icon should always display for managed elements | • The share icon now always displays for managed elements, regardless of if that element is bound to the current or another rule application. |
FEATURE | 105337 | Do not allow a child ruleapp to assume ownership of a managed element by binding to it, removing the binding from the previously bound ruleapp | • The ability to overtake ownership of a managed element has been removed. The only way a rule application can bind to a managed element is if that element is NOT currently bound elsewhere. |
FEATURE | 105347 | Update verbiage and help file for irVerify's "Enable Reset Snapshot" option |
• The irVerify option "Enable reset snapshot" has been changed to "Enable test data reset". A tooltip has been added to explain that the option (1) enables the irVerify reset button to reset state to pre "Apply Rules" values and (2) enables the selection of "pre-execution values" for regression test data. |
FEATURE | 106432 | Difference Report should explicitly show when a decision table row is edited |
• The difference report will now include an entry when a decision table row has been edited. This includes changing the values of both conditions and actions. The values before and after the change will be displayed in the report in tabular format. |
FEATURE | 106433 | Difference Report should explicitly show when decision table rows have been reordered |
• The different report will now show when a row has been reordered in a decision table. The before and after positions will be listed in the report. |
FEATURE | 106434 | Difference Report should show when a decision table condition dimension has been inserted or deleted |
• The difference report will now explicitly list when decision table condition dimensions have been inserted or deleted. |
FEATURE | 106435 | Difference Report should show when a decision table condition dimension value has been inserted, deleted, or updated |
• When a condition dimension in a decision table is edited, explicit information about the change will now be included in the difference report. There will be a report entry for the condition dimension, as well as for each value. |
FEATURE | 106436 | Difference Report should show when a decision table action dimension has been inserted or deleted |
• The difference report will now show when a decision table action dimension has been inserted or deleted. |
FEATURE | 106437 | Difference Report should show when a decision table action dimension value has been inserted, deleted, or updated |
• The difference report will now show when a decision table action dimension has been updated. This includes when action values have been inserted, updated, or deleted. This includes changing the display name of the action value. |
FEATURE | 106438 | Difference report should show when a new rule set is inserted in an entity context |
• The difference report will now show when a new rule set is inserted in an entity context. The rule set and entity name will be displayed in the description. |
FEATURE | 106439 | Difference Report should show when a new decision table is inserted into a rule set along with table contents |
• The difference report will now show when a new decision table is inserted into a rule set along with table contents. The contents of the new table will be displayed in tabular format. |
FEATURE | 106440 | Difference Report should show when a decision table is deleted from a rule set along with table contents |
• The difference report will now show when a decision table is deleted from a rule set. |
FEATURE | 106441 | Difference Report should show the contents of a language rule when a new language rule is inserted |
• The difference report will now show the contents of a language rule when a new language rule is inserted. |
FEATURE | 106442 | Difference Report should show the contents of a language rule when a language rule is deleted |
• The difference report will now show the contents of a language rule when a language rule is deleted. |
FEATURE | 106443 | Difference Report should show a ruleset header row when a rule inside a rule set has been modified |
• The difference report will now show a ruleset header row when a rule inside a rule set has been modified. The header row will list categories for the rule set if any have been assigned. |
FEATURE | 106817 |
Validate Support for Windows 10 |
• InRule support validated for Windows 10. No code updates were necessary. The Installation Help file > Installation Prerequisites section was updated to list Windows 10 support. |
FEATURE | 106817 |
Validate Support for Visual Studio 2015 |
• InRule support validated for Visual Studio 2015. No code updates were necessary. The Installation Help file > Installation Prerequisites section was updated to list Visual Studio 2015 support. |
FEATURE | 106822 | Validate Support for .NET 4.6 |
• InRule support validated for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6. No code updates were necessary. The Installation Help file > Installation Prerequisites section was updated to list .NET 4.6 support. |
FEATURE | 109419 | Update installer code signing SHA-1 Cert to SHA-2 | • The installer is now signed with the updated SHA-2 Cert to comply with the Windows-enforced cutoff date of January 1st, 2016. |
FEATURE | 110140 | Update Copyright dates for 2016 | • All copyright dates have been updated to 2016. |
FEATURE | 37608 | When attempting to perform a catalog operation that requires a check out, provide the option to perform the required checkout | • The same dialog indicating that a checkout is necessary will allow the user to perform the checkout. |
FEATURE | 89440 | irX for CRM: In irAuthor, a user can control whether data for a collection or entity field is auto-loaded | • The auto-load flag can be toggled using the context menu or a ribbon button |
FEATURE | 89440 | irX for CRM: User can control whether data for a collection or entity field is auto-loaded | • New Auto Load button on the CRM ribbon will add the “CRMAutoLoadRelationship” attribute to a field. When loading data from Dynamics CRM, your runtime assembly can access that attribute and skip the field. |
FEATURE | 89441 | irX for CRM: User can control whether data for a collection or entity field is auto-saved | • New Auto Save button on the CRM Ribbon will add the “CRMAutoSaveRelationship” attribute to the field. When saving data to Dynamics CRM, your runtime assembly can access that attribute and skip the field. |
FEATURE | 89441 | irX for CRM: In irAuthor, a user can control whether data for a collection or entity field is saved | • The auto-save flag can be toggled using the context menu or a ribbon button |
FEATURE | 91751 | Authoring: Any/all/none/number of “false” functions to complement the “true” versions | • New functions AnyAreFalse, AllAreFalse, NoneAreFalse, and NumberOfFalse • New language rule support for the new functions |
FEATURE | 95133 | Authoring: In Language Rules, allow the inserting of new conditions and actions at any place in the list | • In a list of conditions and actions, right-click an item and select Insert. The newly inserted item will be placed directly above the selected item |
FEATURE | 96678 | Authoring: Add option to select multiple values for a vocabulary placeholder |
• You may now select more than one item when populating a placeholder in order to specify multiple items to be passed into a UDF. |
FEATURE | 97089 | Reports: Add Methods section to Performance Statistics report | • The Performance Statistics report has a new section that displays the details for external methods that are called from within rule expressions or from within UDF's |
FEATURE | 97104 | irStudio: Support for Visual Studio 2013 | • irStudio can be installed on Visual Studio 2013 |
FEATURE | 97636 | Authoring, Execution: Execute REST Service Action, Map Data Action | • The Execute REST Service Action supplements the existing SOAP-based Execute Web Service Action |
FEATURE | 98800 | Authoring: List of values in BL displayed as a bulleted list | |
FEATURE | 98846 | Execution: REST endpoint support for irServer | • The REST endpoint support for irServer supplements the existing SOAP endpoint support |
FEATURE | 99379 | Authoring: Specify new Value list type to allow for multiple values to be passed into a UDF Input Parameter |
• You are now able to select more than one item when populating a UDF parameter so that you can specify multiple items to be passed into the function. |
FEATURE | 99385 | Authoring: Create an Execute Method Custom Template | • Using the Vocabulary Templates, you can create a custom template that calls a .NET method or User Defined Function, making these calls more usable by business users |
FEATURE | 99386 | Authoring: Create an Execute SQL Query Custom Template | • Using the Vocabulary Templates, you can create a custom template that runs an SQL query against a database or inline table |
FEATURE | 99387 | Authoring: Create an Execute Web Service Custom Template | • Using the Vocabulary Templates, you can create a custom template that executes a web service |
FEATURE | 99388 | Authoring: Create Activate/Deactivate Ruleset Custom Templates | • Using the Vocabulary Templates, you can create custom templates to activate or deactivate specific rule sets or all rule sets for a given category |
FEATURE | 99392 | Authoring: Create a Sort Collection Custom Template | • Using the Vocabulary Templates, you can create a custom template that sorts an Entity or Complex Collection |
FEATURE | 99393 | Authoring: Create a Remove Collection Member Custom Template | • Using the Vocabulary Templates, you can create custom templates to remove a collection member |
FEATURE | 99395 | Authoring: Create a Clear Collection Custom Template | • Using the Vocabulary Templates, you can create a custom template that clears a collection |
FEATURE | 99535 | irX for CRM: Data management and caching patterns | • In your runtime assembly for irX for CRM, caching information is available attached to the rule session |
FEATURE | 99884 | XSD Import: Separate the current option for disabling of constraints and value lists for enumerations into 2 options |
• The XSD import advanced setting option "Disable constraint/value list creation from enumerations" has been split into 2 settings to allow control of value list and constraint creation separately. The new options are "Bind xs:enumeration restriction Fields to Value LIsts" and "Create Constraints for xs: enumeration restriction Fields". NOTE: These option changes require a rule application schema upgrade. |
ISSUE | 100133 | Fire Notification settings inconsistently saved between language and syntax rule | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 100431 | Unable to activate and install if a previous irAuthor or irServer/irSDK install was activated without supplying a name |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 100525 |
irAuthor throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException on Web Service endpoint with a negative timeout value |
• If an invalid WSDL timeout is detected, it will now use the default of 60 seconds. |
ISSUE | 100711 | Catalog: Oracle: Delete Specific Revision fails under some ruleapp depth scenarios with error: Unique constraint (SLAVEX2_IRCATALOG.IX_RULEAPPS_GUID) violated | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 100753 | irServer-SOAPs GetRuleApplicationDef method always returns null | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 100849 | XmlLookup function help documentation is not correct (cointains text from collection lookup function) | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 100878 | If you do an advanced find that has rules within rule flows in the results, then click on any of those rules, it does not navigate to the rule flow |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 100909 | Upgrade removes irCatalogManager URI entries | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 100915 | For rule applications having a Custom Template function name conflicting with a newly-added Standard Template function name (e.g., StartsWith), a non-descriptive compile error results, and the prior name is blanked out from authoring view | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 100931 | irVerify is not showing some fields or any rule sets in rule app using a client's .NET assembly schemas | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 100932 | Rule application has a validation error message related to web service mappings after upgrading from 4.1 to 4.5 | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 100941 | irStudio is missing some critical functionality | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 100943 | BL Fire Notification text placeholder turns red when referring to a text field from a child entity | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 100966 | Installing catalog with SQL Server Runtime Authentication to remote database fails with either "Windows NT user or group INRULE\SERVICEMACHINENAME$ not found" or "Login failed for user SQLACCTNAME" error | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101021 | Licensing error message indicates that the trial evaluation has expired when in fact it is referring to the 5-day grace period that has ended | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101033 | irStudio navigation always selects root element | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101041 | Using InRule installer to add irSOA will remove irCatalog | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101063 | Installing catalog with Windows Authentication to local database fails when using a domain (non-builtin) account, for both IIS and Windows Service | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101073 | "Allow Hierarchical Rendering with duplicate instances" option has no effect - duplicate instances are rendered without expected error message when this option is false, leading to non-roundtrippable XML with default false setting | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101080 | Installer throws error: Failed to resolve source for file: C:\Software\InRule\Flagship.Installer.exe, error: 0x80070002. | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101100 | Expression Format(RoundDown(5.5),"#0") throws error "Argument type cannot be System.Void" | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101100 | Expression Format(RoundDown(5.5),"#0") throws error "Argument type cannot be System.Void" | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101134 | Installation: irCatalog Database Connectivity test still run even though the user chose to use the "Manual install later" option. | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101210 | Installer is now creating a directory C:\Program Files (x86)\InRule\Licenses which contains a file called Newtonsoft.Json.txt | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101213 | No values are generated when using Decision Table action “use values from the field’s value list” | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101215 | Incorrect casting behavior when using a decision table assignment that uses a value list when localization uses comma for decimals | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101275 | irX for CRM throws an error from InRule.Dynamics.Authoring.ViewModels.TestDataSelector.TestDataSelectorViewModel | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101275 | irX for CRM throws an error from InRule.Dynamics.Authoring.ViewModels.TestDataSelector.TestDataSelectorViewModel | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101288 | After ugprading to 4.6, SDK application is throwing TypeInitializationException | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101288 | After ugprading to 4.6, clients SDK application is throwing error: The type initializer for InRule.Runtime.Engine.Compiler.ExpressionBuilder threw an exception. (TypeInitializationException) | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101316 | Watch List item returns a Value of "Element does not exist in current context." | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101401 | Table Name is blank in Rule Trace Event Details | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101461 | The Edit Decision Table Condition and Action dialog windows used to be resizable in v3, but in v4 cannot be resized | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101465 | Execute SQL Query Action shows the Replace/Append option on the settings screen for entity rule sets, but not for independent rule sets | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101467 | Error 'Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute' occurring when clicking View XML button in irVerify | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101469 | At runtime, when accessing a property defined as an IList but not instanatiated throws error "Bound type cannot be an interface" | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101665 | For a rule application bound to a .NET assembly schema, trying to view/load XML in irVerify shows error: Unable to write Entity XML: Unable to find serialization directives for Container | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101694 | NullReferenceException is thrown when sorting and then removing collection members when bound to a .NET assembly schema |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 101695 | Help file gives incorrect instructions for inserting Shared End Points | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101746 | User prompted unnecessarily for database credentials on upgrades where database schema does not change | • Upgrading InRule between releases that share the same database version was incorrectly prompting the user to provide database credentials. This has been corrected so that the user is only prompted for database credentials when a database upgrade must take place. |
ISSUE | 101758 | Fire notification template turns red in language rule when making a change to the message text and it contains a method call | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101760 | Execute SQL Query settings screen for a SelectValue query allows setting default value when returning result to a field in an entity, but does not when returning result to a field in a variable (of type entity) | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101761 | If an entity variable is set to GetMember and no member is found, an 'Unable to get value for the entity parent context' error is thrown if you subsequently try to access a field in that entity variable |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 101770 | Upgrade installs do not allow database to be specified as "Manual install later" | • On upgrade, the irCatalog database can now be set to "manual install later". |
ISSUE | 101776 | Rule execution error thrown when SQL Query selects value returned to a decimal which uses a default value or other settings |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 101814 | Execute SQL Query settings screen for a SelectValue query allows setting default value when returning result to a variable defined in the root of the rule set, but does not if the variable is defined in an if statement | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101815 | Importing a property defined as System.Char creates a field of type Integer, and cannot work with rules that would treat it as a string | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101845 | Runtime error halts rule execution in 4.5/4.6, but did not halt rule execution in 3.x and 4.1 |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 101846 | Language rule Fire Notification inline template drops custom expression vocabulary function parameter prefixes and turns red | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101848 | Calendar control no longer defaults to selected date within irVerify |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 101855 | Entity field not resolving correctly when named the same as associated entity and sibling collection exists | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 101871 | Vocabulary template language rules do not convert to syntax rules and back |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 101971 | InlineTableView always displays decimals within decimal type column with “.” regardless of culture. |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 101972 | Business Language Editor in irStudio is not persisting language rule when creating or editing rules |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102004 | When using catalog at runtime, referencing session.RuleApplication.GetRuleApplicationDef() causes rule app to get reloaded from catalog, but referencing session.GetRuleApplicationDef() does not. |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102068 | Install fails with return code 0x8007015e, which indicates that a pending reboot is required |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102070 | irAuthor Help: Doc missing for Activate/Deactive rule set by instance option | • Information has been added to describe the "Activate (Deactivate) by Instance" check box for the Activate Rule Set and Deactivate Rule Set custom templates. |
ISSUE | 102072 | Switching between custom Execute Web Service vocabulary template to syntax rules and back does not honor the Timeout and Retry settings | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 102073 | When loading test data from Dynamics CRM, clicking on column headings causes crash with "generic SQL error" |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102079 | Pasting a rule into a new location causes inappropriate appearance of ellipsis ("...") in Business Language |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102087 | Importing a client's .NET assembly schema throws error "Could not rename dup alias 'ConfiguredTaskAwaitable_1_ConfiguredTaskAwaiter' after suffixing up to: 1000." |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102092 | Unable to convert back to Business Language after converting Execute Member Ruleset to syntax | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 102109 | Rule Engine Service uses Catalog Service credentials from first connection attempt, then ignores all subsequent credentials |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102112 | When irVerify is open and in the background and the user clicks test in irAuthor, the window does not come to the front |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102124 | NullReferenceException on advanced find when disabled rule includes invalid information |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102280 | If a web service contains a new or removed inputs/outputs that did not exist before, during an upgrade, the associated execute web service operation does not get updated with the new operation. | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 102287 | Business Language placeholder is missing after deleting the default value, navigating away and then coming back. |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102320 | Visual Studio Tools for Office link in the installer is no longer valid |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102322 | irAuthor Help: "Name" field information missing for Vocabulary templates | • The "Name" field descriptions have been added for all of the Vocabulary templates under the following section: irAuthor for Rule Authoring -> Rules -> Vocabulary -> Templates -> Expression Templates. |
ISSUE | 102325 | Performing aggregates inside of a format function throws "DataType 'System.Int32' is not valid for Format function" error |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102336 | Attempting to enter a proxy timeout in the Catalog Manager throws an Object Reference error |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102353 | Catalog forms in irAuthor do not show dates in the current UI culture |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102368 | Business Language helper Top Matches group is sorted reverse alphabetically |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102369 | irAuthor: Setting field to "Read Only" does not work. Read only fields incorrectly allow values to be assigned. |
• Read only fields can no longer have values assigned; a validation error will be thrown. |
ISSUE | 102370 | irX for Dynamics CRM retreival of entities for a particular client's CRM organization is throwing an error due to our use of parallel processing with non-threadsafe calls to CRM |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102406 | The ElementValue.ToNullableInt32 method fails with a casting exception if the value of the ElementValue is null |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102407 | When moving an entity that has vocabulary, the vocabulary is removed from the vocabulary navigation pane |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102418 | Rule execution in client rule application is throwing error "Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'Microsoft.Scripting.None'" |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102419 | irAuthor corruption Business Language shows extra nonstandard characters in rule created in syntax editor |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102420 | irAuthor rules turn red and corrupts rules when switching between Business Language and syntax |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102459 | irSDK cannot cast a .NET enumeration to a text field when entity schema is bound to a .NET assembly |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102460 | Rule Engine cannot set the value of a text field that maps to .NET nullable enumeration field |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102461 | NullReferenceException thrown when trying to load latest revision of a particular rule app from a client's catalog |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102566 | Map Data - When mapping the XML "<Results />" using the MapData action, the rule engine hangs and seems to cause a memory leak. |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102580 | Invalid rule parameter name causes irAuthor unhandled exception | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 102582 | irAuthor refuses to move entities in navigation tree using right-click but works with drag/drop |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102658 | Display name with underscores in an inline table displaying differently than inline table schema name. |
• Resolved. First underscore is removed. |
ISSUE | 102661 | SQL query with incorrect column mapping does not identify the suspect column mapping |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102827 | Incorrect help documentation for Halt All rule execution. |
• The Halt All Rule Execution did not throw an exception, despite the information in the irAuthor Help file. The Help file has been updated to correctly describe the behavior, which does not include an exception. |
ISSUE | 102828 | Error importing XSD files into a rule app when the XSD file has "maxOccurs" or "minOccurs" unbounded in a Sequence tag. |
• The error message has been changed to display that this type of XSD configuration is not supported. |
ISSUE | 102865 | Inline If within an Aggregate evaluates the true/false expressions differently due to implicit casting differences |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 102885 | Receiving "Unable to resolve expression syntax" exception on validation |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 103063 | irAuthor Help: XPath Query documentation updates | • The help file has been updated to remove reference to Xpath parameter datatypes. In addition, the image for the Xpath query now properly displays a "$" prefix for the parameter name. |
ISSUE | 103099 | Installer error when trying to change installation via control panel (as opposed to running the installer). |
• To resolve this issue, the installer is now built using the version-specific .exe name. |
ISSUE | 103202 | Passing in DefRefreshBehavior.All to GetLatestRuleAppRevision method doesn't actually update the stale definitions in the returned rule application | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 103212 | Web service mappings screen for a particular web service is not getting populated | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 103213 | irVerify: Can't load entity XML on entity collection members |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 103216 | Activation Utility's Activation code is not cleared out when switching between products. | • The activation code is now cleared out when a different product is selected. |
ISSUE | 103219 | InRuleSdkHelp.pdf only has the Implementation Guide content | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 103222 | Trying to import client XSDs throws a null ref error | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 103226 | Catalog Service uses a considerable amount of memory when under heavy load |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 103231 | Help file irAuthor Rule Authoring topic organization should be based on navigation bar headers | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 103235 | Language rules lose original "greater than", "less than" template selection when switched to syntax and back, switches to date-specific language (before, after, etc.) | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 103343 | Changes to Vocabulary expression templates are applied even if the template is not saved |
• Associated Business Language will no longer be incorrectly updated from unsaved Vocabulary expression changes. |
ISSUE | 103424 | Doing an Advanced Find in a client rule app throws error "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 103451 | Using "greater than" or "less than" in syntax does not select the correct template when flipping from Syntax to Business Language. |
• Flipping back and forth between sytnax and Business Language will now display the correct template. |
ISSUE | 103452 | Business Langauge - datatype template sensitivity lost for DateTime field, rendering invalid expression. |
• Building an expression with a DateTime field in Business Language was incorrectly defaulting to a numeric template, which created an invalid expression. This is now correctly defaulting to a DateTime template. |
ISSUE | 103461 | Importing WSDL from the Rule Engine Service as a web service endpoint in irAuthor does not appear to work (does not list any methods), but it does not provide any errors. | • The issue that prevented the Engine Service from being loaded as a Web Service has been resolved. In addition, in the event of an error, sufficient error detail will now be provided. |
ISSUE | 103483 | ActivateRuleSets method throws error "Unable to find Entity type 'Entity/Collection1/RuleSet1' in the rule application." |
• The context RuleSet resolution has been fixed when activating/deactivating RuleSets from the SDK. Only "period paths" are supported and a sample of how these "period paths" can be referenced in code has been updated in the SDK documentation. |
ISSUE | 103497 | Setting the value of a bound primitive Field to null via SDK or rules will not update the underlying bound object if the field was not previously read. |
• The underlying bound object fields will now be correctly updated regardless of if they were previously read. |
ISSUE | 103510 | Changing a User Defined Function parameter from Entity to a built-in type leaves DataTypeEntityName inside the rule application's XML. |
• The DataTypeEntityName is now cleared from the rule app XML when a parameter is set to a non-Entity type. |
ISSUE | 103573 | Unable to remove CRM environment from irX configuration screen without getting an error message. |
• The irX environment listing can now be removed without error. |
ISSUE | 103576 | Typo in error message when trying to assign the return of Execute REST Service to an entity. |
• The error message incorrectly contained the word "primative" instead of "primitive". The spelling error has been resolved. |
ISSUE | 103580 | irAuthor: Custom constraint message not being correctly disabled / enabled | • Custom constraint messages are only enabled for "Allow" constraints. The checkbox to enable the custom message was not correctly being disabled when the constraint was changed to a "Deny" type. The UI now enables/disables the custom message checkbox as the rules change. |
ISSUE | 103583 | CRM environment Organization Service URL should not have leading or trailing spaces. |
• Within irAuthor with irX installed, under File -> Options -> Dynamics CRM Environments, adding an environment URL with leading or trailing spaces was throwing an error. Now, leading and trailing spaces are trimmed from the URL automatically. |
ISSUE | 103656 | Error importing Dataset XSD |
• Dataset XSDs are now supported and no errors occur on Dataset XSD import. |
ISSUE | 103658 | irAuthor: Spelling error in incorrect default value message | • The error message displayed when entering an unsupported expression as a field's default value has been updated from "Default value <<default value entered>> did not resolve to a literal expression. Default value expressions can not container any operators or functions [<<Entity>>.<<FieldName>>]" to "Default value <<default value entered>> did not resolve to a literal expression. Default value expressions can not contain any operators or functions [<<Entity>>.<<FieldName>>]". |
ISSUE | 103659 | irAuthor: Rule App Report - Broken Links | • The Rule Application Report broken links for Fields, Calculations, Rule Sets and Actions have been resolved. |
ISSUE | 103667 | Updated sample projects to remove source control bindings and invalid assembly paths. |
• The installed sample project files and solutions (.sln, .csproj) included InRule's Source Control information. The installer sample project used assembly references to the InRule SDK that pointed to ..\bin, but should have pointed to the installed location (InRule\irSDK\bin). Now, no source control information is found in the .csproj or .sln files. The installed samples Solution/Project files can be opened in Visual Studio and all reference assemblies are valid and can be built without modification. |
ISSUE | 103671 | irAuthor: Rule Application Report - Category section incorrectly shows "Notes" column, however, notes cannot be entered on categories | • The Notes column has been removed from the Category section of the Rule Application Report. |
ISSUE | 103675 | irAuthor: Syntax "Execute Member RuleSet" action incorrectly shows items that are not collections in the collection drop down | • The Syntax "Execute Member Ruleset" collection drop down will now only show valid collections. |
ISSUE | 103676 | irAuthor: BL field drop down selecting wrong item when user selects last item on page | • This has been resolved to ensure that the highlighted item is selected regardless of its location in the drop down. |
ISSUE | 103677 | irAuthor: Rule Versioning - Default version values are overwritten by new version values when using Business Language |
• This issue has been resolved. All changes made are now properly saved when using versioning with Business Language. |
ISSUE | 103680 | irSDK Help: Typo in Working with RuleSets section | • The text "See Also: Dynamically Gererating a Rule Application Schema" has been updated to "See Also: Dynamically Generating a Rule Application Schema". |
ISSUE | 103683 | irAuthor: Intellisense for the IfCase function shows an additional option for "IfCase(Expression)" which is not valid. | • The IfCase function no longer shows the invalid "IfCase(Expression) option in Intellisense. |
ISSUE | 103711 | irAuthor: Version number is being pulled from the installer response file rather than the assembly | • Both the irAuthor Help > About and error log information were inefficiently obtaining the version number from the installer response file. The version information is now being pulled directly from the assembly. |
ISSUE | 103764 | Installation help file updates needed after irX for CRM included in main installer | • The irX for CRM help file has been updated to remove references to installation and the InRule Installation help file has been updated to include irX for CRM information. |
ISSUE | 103801 | irAuthor: Not able to select item from context menu with cursor at high DPI | • This issue has been resolved. The context menu gap seen at high DPI will no longer prevent the selection of sub menu items. |
ISSUE | 103881 | UDF "out" parameter seems to be supported based on the UI and help file, but then gives a validation message saying it is not supported | • The "IsOut" column will now only be displayed for scenarios where the setting is already set to true. An error message will then be displayed on compile indicating that the setting must be unchecked. For new rule apps, the "IsOut" column will never be displayed. For runtime scenarios, if the rule app is not opened at authoring time, the rule app will fail to compile. |
ISSUE | 103888 | Rule engine throws unexpected exception for Sort Collection and Copy Collection when the same entity is referenced in a collection more than once | • The Sort Collection and Copy Collection functions no longer fail when containing two entries that point to the same entity instance. |
ISSUE | 103889 | When upgrading from 4.5.x release to 4.6.4 or later, prior installs are not getting removed from the machine | • Prior installs will now be correctly removed from the machine when upgrading from 4.5.x. |
ISSUE | 103897 | irServer Rule Execution: isValid and isValidField are always true on Validations | • irServer rule execution requests were returning an ActiveValidations collection where the isValid and isValidField were always true. It was unclear what the value or intent of the fields were. The logic has been resolved so that if IsActive is true it sets IsValid to false |
ISSUE | 103924 | irAuthor: Business Language - Converting "Execute Rule Set" Syntax Action to Business Language shows incorrect target rule set |
• In specific scenarios, converting the "Execute Rule Set" Syntax action to a Business Language rule was incorrectly changing the target ruleset. This issue has been resolved. |
ISSUE | 103963 | The Activation Utility logs warnings to the event log when it is opened and one or more licenses are not found | • This log detail has been changed to debug level logging to eliminate confusion. |
ISSUE | 103964 | irAuthor: Memory inflation and UI freezing while working with highly coupled entity structure | • In a rule app with a highly coupled entity structure (entities referencing each other bi-directionaly), if a new entity or collection field was added to an entity, the action was taking 1-2 minutes to complete, locking irAuthor and consuming large amounts of memory. This has been resolved. |
ISSUE | 104091 | irX install does not add CRM assembly codebase paths to irAuthor config | • The custom actions related to irX were not running in the new consolidated installer. Now, the following will occur: 1. On install, the irAuthor.exe.config is modified to add assembly binding info 2. On uninstall, irAuthor.exe.config is modified to remove assembly binding info and 3. On uninstall, the IrX AppData folder is cleared. |
ISSUE | 104096 | irAuthor: When accessing intellisense on the Context property of a UDF, an unhandled exception is thrown | • The Intellisense menu is now accessible on the Context property of a UDF without error. |
ISSUE | 104108 | The installer cannot proceed if only installing irAuthor | • When installing with only irAuthor selected, the "Next" button was incorrectly disabled. This has been corrected so that the install can proceed to only install irAuthor. |
ISSUE | 104192 | Installer: "What if I don't have a license key" link cutoff when irAuthor, irX for CRM and irServer are installed | • This link is now correctly displayed regardless of the number of products selected for installation. |
ISSUE | 104196 | The installer pop-up message for "What if I don't have a license key?" has a broken link to the InRule website | • The http://www.inrule.com/company/EmailUs.aspx URL has been redirected to http://info.inrule.com/ContactUs.html |
ISSUE | 104286 | irVerify crashes if the rule session is closed mid execution | • irVerify no longer crashes when it is closed during rule execution. |
ISSUE | 104317 | Execution error "An item with the same key has already been added" | • This error occurred in specific multi-threaded environments with the SQL query cache timeout set to 0. This issue has been resolved. |
ISSUE | 104376 | Null Reference error when modifying Vocabulary template availability | • This error was being thrown when the vocabulary template DisplayText was null. An empty DisplayText column will no longer cause this error. |
ISSUE | 104382 | irVerify: Timeout exception when testing rule application with rule tracing enabled |
• In 4.6.10 - 4.6.15, running certain rule applications in irVerify with rule tracing enabled threw a timeout exception. This issue has been resolved. |
ISSUE | 104387 | Thread safety issue during execution of multiple threads | • When a file system or catalog Rule Application is updated, a recompilation will occur for any new thread creating a RuleSession, but any thread accessing an existing RuleSession instance will now be unaffected. |
ISSUE | 104499 | Target catalog database corruption caused when rule application with lower revision is promoted into target database with a higher revision | • Promoting a rule application with a lower revision than the same rule application in the target database caused the rule application to point to the incorrect revision number and prevented checkouts. This issue has been resolved to ensure the rule application points to the correct revision number and allows checkouts without error. |
ISSUE | 104509 | Installer: Incorrect config entry for the SOAP endpoint address of the Rule Execution Service running as a windows service | • The configuration file entry for the SOAP endpoint has been corrected. |
ISSUE | 104611 | irAuthor: Syntax "Execute Member RuleSet" action collection dropdown population issues | • In 4.6.12 and 4.6.13, the collection drop down of the Syntax "Execute Member Ruleset" action did not include all collections from the entity hierarchy in the drop down. Now all of the correct collections are available for selection in the drop down. |
ISSUE | 104627 | Installer: When installing only irCatalog (Catalog Service and irCatalog Manager) and irSDK as a silent install, it is including irAuthor as an installed component in the response file |
• The silent installation has been corrected so that irAuthor is only installed when selected. |
ISSUE | 104680 | Active Directory groups are added to the Catalog by their pre-Win2k name but are retrieved by their Common Name | • All Active Directory groups are now added to the Catalog using the Common Name. Existing groups will be retrieved from Active Directory by searching for both the Common and pre-Win2k name. |
ISSUE | 104695 | The Regression Tester silently crashes irAuthor and irVerify with a stack overflow if an application is tested with a circular relationship in the request data | • The Regression Tester will no longer crash in the case of a circular data reference. |
ISSUE | 104716 | Target catalog database corruption caused when rule application with lower revision is promoted into target database with a higher revision (Catalog Repair) |
• The catalog repair functionality has been updated to resolve this error when the database is in this state. |
ISSUE | 104862 | Rule execution fails with unexpected runtime error when Object State Refresh scans state during Execute Member Ruleset |
• WriteOnly fields will no longer cause errors during bound state refresh. |
ISSUE | 105013 | irAuthor: Business Language - Cannot convert Syntax "Execute Rule Set" action to Business Language in certain scenarios |
• In certain scenarios, converting an "Execute Rule Set" action with an indepent rule set selected was failing. This has been resolved and now the "Execute Rule Set" Syntax action can be converted to Business Language without error. |
ISSUE | 105066 | Installer: Upgrade unable to progress due to Catalog connection failure |
• This issue has been resolved by always prompting for database credentials on upgrade. This enables the selection of the "Manual install later" option, allowing the upgrade to progress despite the Catalog connection error. (Reverted Work Item # 101746 from release 4.6.12.) |
ISSUE | 105086 | irVerify: Regression Tester - Root Context dropdown is empty when testing in the context of an Independent Rule Set when there are Independent Rule Set folders |
• The root context in the Regression Tester is now correctly populated, regardless of the existence of Independent Rule Set folders. |
ISSUE | 105118 | irVerify: Regression Tester does not save calculated field data |
• The regression tester now correctly saves calculated field values in test data state. |
ISSUE | 105122 | irAuthor: Null reference exception when editing Business Language rule | • When using the right click menu within a Business Language rule to delete part of the statement, a null reference error was thrown. This issue has been resolved. |
ISSUE | 105279 | When ruleapp schema is bound to a .NET assembly, Add Collection Member fails when copying an entity with at least one read-only field |
• Add Collection Member no longer throws errors when read-only fields exist on the entity copied. |
ISSUE | 105343 | SDK signature for RuleCatalogConnection.CheckoutRuleAplication optional comments is incorrect | • A null "comment" parameter is now allowed. |
ISSUE | 105362 | Syntax If / Then rules composed in Business Language convert incorrectly from "FIELD does not have a value of" to "not FIELD has a value of" | • The correct rule language of "Field does not have a value of" will now be preserved when switching between Business Language and Syntax. |
ISSUE | 105363 | Execute Rest Action will make 2 requests if "Assign return to" is not populated |
• Duplicate requests will no longer be made when there is no "Assign return to" populated. |
ISSUE | 105365 | Execute Rest Action hangs when executing if Content-Type application/json is added onto a request |
• Errors building the http request will now be handled correctly. If duplicate headers are defined, the last one will be used. |
ISSUE | 105381 | Error installing InRule using Oracle - Failed to find or load the registered .Net Framework Data Provider | • The installer will now create the catalog database in Oracle without error. |
ISSUE | 105598 | When activating InRule via Installer or Activation Utility, apostrophes in the Name or Organization text boxes cause activation errors |
• Apostrophes in the Name and/or Organization text boxes of the Installer and Activation Utility's activation screens will no longer cause activation errors. |
ISSUE | 105649 | irVerify: Unhandled Exception when selecting "Test" if there are Independent Rule Set folders and an Independent Rule Set is not selected |
• irVerify will now load properly, regardless of the existence of Independent Rule Set folders. |
ISSUE | 105697 | Catalog database corruption occurs when a ruleapp consuming a shared rule element is deleted from the catalog |
• Deleting a rule app that consumes a shared element will no longer corrupt the catalog database. |
ISSUE | 105833 | Duplicate values in action editors for Independent Rule Sets with entity parameters |
• Field selection lists will no longer have duplicate values for Independent Rule Sets with entity parameters. |
ISSUE | 105905 | Regression tests run in the context of an Independent Rule Set's entity parameter fields fails with "Unable to resolve path" error |
• Regression tests run in the context of an Independent Rule Set's entity parameter will now run without error. |
ISSUE | 105934 | Null reference exception thrown when trying to activate InRule | • This issue has been resolved. This was resolved with the fix for ticket "106310 - The Activation Utility does not allow activating with a new expiring license key if there was previously an activated license key on the machine that has expired" |
ISSUE | 105967 | irAuthor Help: Does Not Contain Documentation of Save to Workspace Feature |
• Information about saving a catalog rule application to a user's workspace has been added to the irAuthor help file. |
ISSUE | 105969 | Placing REST Operations inside Data Folders Makes Them Inaccessible to Rules |
• REST Operations organized within Data Folders are now correctly available in the "Rest operation" drop down for "Execute REST Service" actions. |
ISSUE | 105970 | irVerify does not allow loading/saving entity XML via the context menu when the entity is a ruleset parameter |
• You can now save/load/view entity xml from the context menu for entity rule set parameters. |
ISSUE | 105977 | Catalog database corrupted after rule application promotion. Diagnostics Utility in Catalog Manager CANNOT repair catalog. | • The Catalog Diagnostics Utility will now correctly fix a catalog in this state. The error causing the catalog database corruption was resolved in a previous version of InRule. |
ISSUE | 106127 | Rule Application validation for "If-Then-Else" language rules does not check for missing conditions on rules under field context, but it does correctly for rules under entity context |
• Rule Application validation will now consistently apply validation checks against rules under field context. |
ISSUE | 106310 | The Activation Utility does not allow activating with a new expiring license key if there was previously an activated license key on the machine that has expired | • This issue has been resolved. Expired licenses on a machine will no longer negatively impact the ability to activate with a new expiring license key. |
ISSUE | 106401 | irAuthor freezes when attempting to load an Execute Member Rule Set rule | • This error was occurring in a specific scenario where the "Collection" drop down of the Execute Member Rule Set rule had thousands of potential options. The collection drop down will now be capped at 1,000 items. If that limit is met, an informational icon will display indicating that only the first 1,000 options are displayed. The collection name can be typed in manually as an alternative to selection from the drop down. |
ISSUE | 106543 | irAuthor crashes when clicking the "Assign return to:" button on Execute Method, Execute SQL Query and Execute Xpath Query if within an Independent Rule Set |
• Clicking "Assign return to" for Independent Rule Set actions no longer throws an error. |
ISSUE | 106544 | Map Data action fails to map XML string into entities when XML contains namespaces |
• The Map Data action will now process XML data with namespaces without error. |
ISSUE | 106597 | Assertion test "Rule Fired" fails with "Unable to resolve path" error |
• Assertion "Rule Fired" tests will now run without error. |
ISSUE | 106692 | Promotion with shared rule elements causes catalog database corruption in the target database |
• Promoting multiple rule applications with shared rule elements led to the target catalog throwing the error "Multiple rule applications are referencing the same managed elements which are not set sharable". This issue has been resolved to prevent this error. |
ISSUE | 106697 | ToValueList function throws a null reference exception if a null is passed in as an argument |
• The ToValueList function will no longer throw a null reference exception for null arguments. |
ISSUE | 106966 | irAuthor crashes when it can't find the license file and the user tries to close the window |
• irAuthor no longer crashes when the "Close" button is selected on the license dialog. |
ISSUE | 106995 | Business Language in a calculation field using "any members exist" template gets incorrectly converted to "the number of <<field>> is greater than 0" |
• The Business Language template used in calculation fields will now be correctly retained. |
ISSUE | 106996 |
When a session is reused after an execution that throws an error, the values of the ruleset parameters will reset to the boolean false equivalent of the parameters' primitive type |
• If a session is reused after an execution run with errors, the values of ruleset parameters will no longer be altered. |
ISSUE | 107019 | When authoring a Language Rule using an expression template with an expression placeholder, it shows display name for placeholder, but then when reloading the Language Rule, it shows the expression and not the display name. |
• This issue has been resolved to ensure that the display name of the expression placeholder is always displayed in Business Language. |
ISSUE | 107044 | For UDF based on compiled expressions, after getting an error with the wrong parameter value, all future calls to that UDF made from new sessions reusing the cached compiled ruleapp will fail even for correct UDF input. |
• In this scenario, once the parameter value is corrected, future UDF calls will no longer incorrectly fail. |
ISSUE | 107089 | Rule application authored in 4.1.9 throws error "Sequence contains no elements" when trying to open in 4.6.21 |
• This error occurred when the upgrader was unable to properly map an output field of a web service mapping. This issue has been resolved and will now be correctly handled on upgrade. |
ISSUE | 107118 | Installer throws error when trying to delete shadow copy folder |
• The installer will no longer throw an error when deleting the shadow copy folder. |
ISSUE | 107119 | Upgrading Rule Application from 4.1 to 4.6 is unable to map Nullable<> fields in ExecuteWebService action | • Nullable ValueType members in 4.1 imported as a complex field mapping where assigning anything to the fields caused runtime errors, so they had to be left null. However, 4.6 imports nullable ValueType members as a normal primitive type. Therefore, the upgrader now ignores the missing field mappings in this scenario on upgrade from 4.1 to 4.6. |
ISSUE | 107122 | IrX for Dynamics CRM fails during schema import and corrupts rule application if value list mapped to a picklist is moved into a data folder |
• irX for Dynamics CRM will now properly handle picklists within data folders. |
ISSUE | 107266 | Business Language in a Decision Table condition that uses the "has value of" template changes to "is in" template |
• The Business Language template used in Decision Table conditions will now be correctly retained. |
ISSUE | 107292 | Expression editor shows many duplicate field choices when rule application contains circular entity relationships |
• This issue has been resolved to ensure each unique field is only listed once in the expression editor. |
ISSUE | 107294 | The Rule Execution Service returns only a subset of the rule execution log | • The Rule Execution Log for the Rule Execution Service will now include both State Changes and Execution Logging. |
ISSUE | 107296 | Installer does not update binding redirects in irAuthor config file, which can cause loading issues for irAuthor and irAuthor extensions |
• The installer has been updated to ensure it always updates the binding redirects so they match the DLL version of the latest installer. |
ISSUE | 107354 | Compare Test in iVerify's Test Suite only compares the first member of collections and ignores the rest of the collection members |
• The Compare Tester will now correctly test all collection members, not just the first collection member. |
ISSUE | 107355 | The "Notifications must match" option as part of a Compare Test in irVerify's Test Suite is not working correctly and the test always fails |
• The "Notifications must match" option has been removed from the Compare Tester as this functionality is not currently supported. |
ISSUE | 107382 | Web service upgrader error "Field mapping is not a collection, but source value is" |
• The upgrader now properly handles the upgrade of web service collections from 4.1 to 4.6.X. |
ISSUE | 107386 | Web service upgrader error "Field mapping is not a primitive data type, but source value is" |
• The upgrader now properly handles the upgrade of data types within a web service that are nullable. |
ISSUE | 107427 | The Rule Execution Service does not return entity state when errors are encountered and the error handling policy specifies continuing with next rule set | • If entity state is requested, the Rule Execution Service now returns entity state even when an error has occurred. |
ISSUE | 107811 | Promotion with shared defs causes catalog database corruption in the target database (Catalog Repair) |
• Promoting multiple rule applications with shared rule elements led to the target catalog throwing the error "Multiple rule applications are referencing the same managed elements which are not set sharable". The catalog repair functionality has been updated to resolve this error when the database is in this corrupted state. |
ISSUE | 107836 | Map Data Action errors handling XML with special characters |
• Certain characters that were not properly escaped caused the Map Data Action to cause a rule application timeout exception. To address this, all XML passed into the Map Data Action will first be checked to ensure it is valid XML. Once the XML has passed the validity check, the XML will be processed. |
ISSUE | 107912 | irAuthor Help - DayDiff function screen shot lists incorrect example result | • The help file example for the DayDiff function has been corrected. |
ISSUE | 107945 | When attempting to upgrade a rule application that has a web service that cannot be contacted either via embedded WSDL or via talking with the service, the rule application does not load in irAuthor | • The rule application will now open even if the upgraded rule application does not have an embedded WSDL and the web service is unavailable. |
ISSUE | 107947 | Upgrading Rule Application from 4.1 to 4.6 - Execute Web Service Action screen's Input and Output Mapping buttons are disabled | • The Execute Web Service Action's input and output mappings are now correctly enabled in this upgrade scenario. |
ISSUE | 108001 | A shared rule set with an underscore in its name cannot be found using Search on the "Insert Shared Element" window | • The Insert Shared Element search has been corrected to ensure wildcard characters are properly escaped and all matching rule sets are returned. |
ISSUE | 108273 | Promotion with shared defs causes catalog database corruption in the target database (Catalog Repair) | • The catalog repair functionality has been updated to resolve this error when the database is in this corrupted state and there were multiple revisions of the shared schema. |
ISSUE | 108398 | ExecuteWebService mapping upgrader should prevent rule application from loading if unable to upgrade | • If a rule application cannot be properly upgraded, it will not open in irAuthor. This is to prevent the rule application from being used when the ExecuteWebService is not in a functional state. |
ISSUE | 108399 | 4.6 ExecuteWebService upgrader does not map Dictionary fields to a key/value pair array | • The ExecuteWebService upgrader will now properly map fields defined as Dictionary type to a key/value pair array, which is supported in 4.6. |
ISSUE | 108532 | PreCompile throws Rule Application Cache error | • A single rule application can now be scheduled for compilation using multiple threads without causing cache corruption. |
ISSUE | 108734 | RuleElementDef ToString() incorrectly returns the name of the rule instead of the name of the type | • RuleElementDef.ToString() has been updated to return the name of the type. |
ISSUE | 108824 | irServer Rule Execution Service – Parameters ignored for XML payload via REST | • The inner tag for Parameters was incorrectly expected to be “<ExecuteRuleSetRequest>” rather than “<Parameter>”. This has been resolved. An example payload for an Explicit Rule Set with parameters is: <ExecuteRuleSetRequest xmlns="http://www.inrule.com/XmlSchema/Schema"> <RuleApp> <Password>CatPassword</Password> <RepositoryRuleAppRevisionSpec> <RuleApplicationName>RuleApp1</RuleApplicationName> </RepositoryRuleAppRevisionSpec> <RepositoryServiceUri>http://localhost/InRuleCatalogService/service.svc</RepositoryServiceUri> <UserName>CatUsername</UserName> </RuleApp> <EntityState><?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><Entity1 ><Field1>1</Field1></Entity1></EntityState> <EntityName>Entity1</EntityName> <Parameters> <Parameter> <Name>Parameter1</Name> <Value>Value1</Value> </Parameter> <Parameter> <Name>Parameter2</Name> <Value>Value2</Value> </Parameter> </Parameters> <RuleSetName>Ruleset1</RuleSetName> </ExecuteRuleSetRequest> |
ISSUE | 108981 | irAuthor memory leak when opening / closing file-based rule applications or checking in / checking out irCatalog rule applications | • This memory leak has been resolved. |
ISSUE | 110090 | Activation error message updates for (1) multiple pending activations unlock the same product and (2) duplicate activations | • The validation message for more than 1 pending activation that unlocks the same product component has been updated to fix the typo of "that" to "than". The duplicate activation message has been updated to include the product component descriptions rather than the names, and typo fixed to change "a" to "an". |
ISSUE | 110456 | RuleApplicationCache "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" when compiling updated Rule Application files for rule applications already in the cache | • We believe this error was resolved by 104387-Thread safety issue during execution of multiple threads. However, some additional refactoring was performed in this code to prevent this null reference exception. |
ISSUE | 111949 | "Cannot access _parentContainer" error during rule execution | • This "Cannot access _parentContainer" error was caused by a combination of name collision and an indirect path to finding the parent context. The solution is that if the parent can be found via both Parent Context and Outer Context, Outer Context will be the preferred path. |
ISSUE | 34647 | The "Assign Return To" and "Settings > Field Name" lists are not correctly populated for Execute SQL Query, Execute Xpath Query and Execute Method actions | • The "Assign Return To" target now correctly includes the entity in the current context and complex fields. Because those missing items no longer need to be manually typed in, the "Settings > Field Name" list will no longer be empty. |
ISSUE | 34906 | irFunctionHelp: Invalid sample code | • The following function samples were updated to remove the fancy quotes: AllAreFalse, AnyAreFalse, NoneAreFalse, NoneAreTrue, NumberOfFalse, NumberOfTrue, IsDate, IsDateTime |
ISSUE | 37911 | irAuthor: Vocabulary template editor - incorrect tooltip | • The tooltip on the Vocabulary template's "Collection Member Filter Expression" text box has been corrected. |
ISSUE | 55023 | irAuthor Help: irVerify screen shot out of date | • The first screenshot in the "irVerify for Rule Testing > Session Testing" has been updated to include the new ribbon from version 4.6.x. |
ISSUE | 55120 | Deleted Category still shows up in Categorize menu list | • Deleted categories were still showing in the Manage Categories list for the remainder of the session. This has been resolved so that categories are removed from the list immediately upon deletion. |
ISSUE | 55140 | Leaving UDF unchecked in Template Availability screen does not hide UDF in language rule | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 59386 | irAuthor Help: irVerify Options help file info is incorrect | • The verbiage in the "irVerify for Rule Testing > Session Testing > irVerify Options" has been changed from "Select Tools > Options" to "Select File > Options". |
ISSUE | 64358 | Decision table condition and action field pickers do not add options to select entity variable fields and incorrectly list the entity variable itself |
• This issue has been resolved to ensure that entity variable fields are displayed in Decision Table condition and action pickers, but the entity variable itself is not listed. |
ISSUE | 85957 | Incorrect placeholder highlighting in template definition is incorrectly case insensitive |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 87453 | irSDK Help: Obsolete RuleRepositoryConnection is still referenced | • The irSDK help file has been updated to remove the obsolete "RuleRepositorConnection" reference. |
ISSUE | 87806 | irAuthor: Rule Application Report does not contain Independent Rule Sets if those rule sets are in rule set folders |
• The Rule Application Report has been updated to ensure all Independent Rule Sets display, regardless of the existence of Independent Rule Set folders. |
ISSUE | 89665 | Dead link in InRuleSdkHelp.chm in “Application Integration with InRule” topic | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 90268 | Parameters to independent rule sets that have "auto-create" enabled are not getting automatically created when testing in irVerify |
• When "auto-create" is selected, the parameter will now correctly be created when irVerify is loaded. |
ISSUE | 90811 | Regression tests run in the context of an Independent Rule Set all fail with "Unable to resolve path" error |
• The Regression Tester has been fixed to allow tests to be successfully run in the context of Independent Rule Sets. |
ISSUE | 94976 | irAuthor: Options values for Catalog timeout and irX for CRM timeout are not persisted when pressing Enter | • The irAuthor timeout options for Catalog timeout (Options > General > Catalog) and irX for CRM timeout (Options > Microsoft Dynamics® CRM Environments) now correctly persist the values when clicking "Enter" or selecting the "OK" button. |
ISSUE | 94990 | Both the Vocabulary Report and the Difference Report show ID of -1 |
• The Vocabulary and Difference reports have been updated to remove the ID column. |
ISSUE | 95206 | After activating irServer, an application using irSDK throws an error indicating that the license file is no longer valid | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 95333 | Cursor tab focus enters hidden grid cell when adding Member Values to a Vocabulary Add Collection Member template | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 95486 | Failed to build extend block for; there is not a last-non-complex placeholder | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 95487 | Error 'Missing 1 right parenthesis in parse function parameter list in rule fragment' crashes the template engine | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 95489 | Null reference exception while pasting in Business Language control | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 95502 | For a rule app that has versioning enabled, clicking on an action in a new version of a decision table throws error 'Cannot resolve context from definition' | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 95880 | Typo in end point edit template dialog screen: "Langauge" | • This typo has been corrected on the End Points > Methods > Edit Template screen. |
ISSUE | 96117 | Concatenating strings is consuming a large amount of memory | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 96261 | Errors generating a rule trace can cause irAuthor/irVerify to crash |
• Errors generating the rule trace are now properly handled, ensuring irAuthor and irVerify do not crash. |
ISSUE | 96541 | irVerify is not persisting data entered into fields that are linked to a value list if the data is not in the value list |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 97540 | Authoring: SQL Server 2012 schemas with a column of type Date get imported as Text | • Date is now imported as InRule Date type, and DateTime as InRule DateTime |
ISSUE | 97701 | Rule Application Validation misses rule set name duplication when using rule set folder in different contexts | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 98928 | irVerify shows an incorrect message saying that a query value list is parameterized when it is not, which occurs only if the Display Text Column is the same as the Value Column | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 99405 | Execution: Rule engine service (irSOA) WSDL has incorrect address location, due to issues in the web.config | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 99557 | Side by Side Installer Next button disabled when user types in target install directory containing a lower case letter for the drive designation | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 99660 | Object Reference error when deleting newly inserted test element within an existing test suite | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 99845 | Execute Web Service assigns an instance to target type even when the service returns a null result | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 99847 | Database endpoint configuration screen is missing text for SQL Server 2012 | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 99876 | Help doc embedded images in the CHM file are blurry and need to be updated for release 4.6 |
• Resolved |
ISSUE | 99878 | SDK help documentation has an unneeded reference to Antlr3.Runtime.dll | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 99888 | The Operation dropdown for Execute Web Service Action does not populate if the user changes the Web Service endpoint | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 99889 | A web service end point is not refreshed properly after the destination WSDL is changed | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 99922 | Circular reference error occurring on rule application having dup but not circular references when "Indent Members" is enabled | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 99940 | The WSDL and Certificate browser dialogs do not have file filters on them | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 99953 | Memory used by irVerify is not getting freed up after closing irVerify sessions or the irVerify window | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 99966 | The "Troubleshooting Installed Services" section of the developer help file has no content and has a bad link which opens up a page saying "This page can't be displayed" | • The "Troubleshooting Installed Services" topic has been removed from the irSDK help file as it is no longer applicable. |
ISSUE | 99972 | Actions that contain a BL editor can incorrectly display a selected value in certain circumstances | • Resolved |
ISSUE | 99973 | Calculated fields in other members of a collection do not update for GetIndex dependency when a sibling member is removed | • Resolved |
SCHEMA | RULEAPP-76 | Rule Application XML FeatureVersion increase to 76 | • The Rule Application XML FeatureVersion increased to version 76 with the addition of the REST Endpoint, Execute REST Service Action and Map Data Action. |
SCHEMA | RULEAPP-79 | Rule Application XML FeatureVersion increase to 79 | • The Rule Application XML FeatureVersion increased to version 79 with the separation of the import options for emums - value lists vs. contraints. |
InRule Decisioning Version 4.6.x Release Notes
- Updated
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