Business Language Template Reference

  • Updated

InRule® includes a Standard Template Catalog that allows for Business Language entry of conditions, expressions, and actions. Rules may be entered “Topic First” (starting with the current context) or “Template First” — picking a template then filling it out.

Available templates are displayed based on context as a rule is authored. The user is prompted to define necessary fields or tokens, and is presented with a menu of appropriate choices.

The following categories contain all function templates for authoring expressions in Language Rules.


Collection Templates

Collection templates perform lookup and aggregate functions over a collection. They can filter out specific collection members to operate over.

Template name Template format Return type
lookup lookup <expression> from <collection> where <filter> otherwise use <default> type of evaluated expression
member number member number <index> in <collection> entity reference
the average of the average of <numeric expression> in <collection> integer or decimal
the first matching member from the first matching member from <collection> where <filter expression> entity reference
the first member in the first member in <collection> entity reference
the last member in the last member in <collection> entity reference
the number of the number of <collection> integer
any members exist in any members exist in <collection> filtered by <filter expression> Boolean
no members exist in no members exist in <collection> filtered by <filter expression> Boolean
the total of the total of <numeric expression> in <collection> integer or decimal
the minimum of the minimum of <numeric expression> in <collection> integer or decimal
the maximum of the maximum of <numeric expression> in <collection> integer or decimal
get first value the value of <field> on the first member in <collection> otherwise use <default> field value
get last value the value of <field> on the last member in <collection> otherwise use <default> field value
the value of a member at an index the value of <field> on member number <integer> from <collection> otherwise use <default> field value


Comparison Templates

Comparison functions evaluate to Boolean by comparing values to the left and right of the operator.

Function Template format Return type
is among <field> is among <value>, <value>, [add value]  *List of values of same data type as left side of comparison Boolean
is not among

<field> is not among <value>, <value>, [add value]  *List of values of same data type as left side of comparison

is at leas <numeric> is at least <numeric expression> Boolean
is at most <numeric> is at most <numeric expression> Boolean
is between <date or numeric> is between <date or numeric expression> and <date or numeric expression> Boolean
is not between <date or numeric> is not between <date or numeric expression> and <date numeric expression> Boolean
is equal to

<Field> is equal to <value>   *value of same data type as left side of comparison

is not equal to

<field> is not equal to <value>

*value of same data type as left side of comparison

is empty <field> is empty Boolean
is not empty <field> is not empty Boolean
is a number <value> is a number Boolean
is greater than <numeric> is greater than <numeric expression> Boolean
is greater than or equal to <numeric> is greater than or equal to <numeric expression Boolean
is less than <numeric> is less than <numeric expression> Boolean
is less than or equal to <numeric> is less than or equal to <numeric expression> Boolean
is after <date> is after <date expression> Boolean
is on or after <date> is on or after <date expression> Boolean
is not after <date> is not after <date expression> Boolean
is before <date> is before <date expression> Boolean
is not before <date> is not before <date expression> Boolean
is on or before <date> is on or before <date expression> Boolean
is null or empty <field> is null or empty Boolean
is not null or empty <field> is not null or empty Boolean
is true <Boolean> is true Boolean
is false < Boolean> is false Boolean


Conditional Templates

Conditional templates evaluate the Boolean expressions in a list. Conditional templates are extremely useful for grouping multiple rule conditions and make it easy to add new conditions.

Template name Template format Return type
all all of the following are true (or false) Boolean
any any of the following are true (or false) Boolean
at least at least <number> of the following are true (or false) Boolean
at most at most <number> of the following are true (or false) Boolean
exactly exactly <integer> of the following are true (or false) Boolean
more than more than <number> of the following are true (or false) Boolean
less than less than <number> of the following are true (or false) Boolean
other than other than <number> of the following are true (or false) Boolean
none none of the following are true (or false) Boolean


Append condition templates allow the rule conditions to be appended with other conditions.

and and <condition> na
or or <condition> na


Conversion Templates

Conversion templates are used to convert one datatype to another. To use a conversion template, the user must first select convert from the menu.

Template name Template format Return type
to upper case convert <value> to uppercase text
to lower case convert <value> to lowercase text
to proper case convert <value> to proper case text
to Boolean convert <value> to Boolean Boolean
to integer convert <value> to integer integer
to date convert <value> to date date
to datetime convert <value> to datetime datetime
to time convert <value> to time time
to number convert <value> to number number
to inner XML convert <value> to inner XML XML
to text convert <value> to text text


Date Templates

Date templates are used to manipulate dates and datetime fields.

Template name Template format Return type
current day current day integer
current hour current hour integer
current millisecond current millisecond integer
current minute current minute integer
current month current month integer
current second current second integer
current year current year integer
day from day from <date or datetime> integer
day of the month from day of the month from <date or datetime> integer
day of the week from day of the week from <date or datetime> integer
day of the year from day of the year from <date or datetime> integer
days between days between <date or datetime> and <date or datetime> integer
weekdays between weekdays between <date or datetime> and <date or datetime> integer
get local datetime from get local datetime from <datetime> datetime value having a local kind
get unspecified datetime from get unspecified date time from <datetime> datetime value having a unspecified kind
get UTC datetime from get UTC datetime from <datetime> datetime value having a UTC kind
hours from hour from < datetime> integer
hours between hours between <datetime> and <datetime> integer
millisecond from millisecond from <datetime> integer
milliseconds between milliseconds between <datetime> and <datetime> integer
minute from minute from < datetime> integer
minutes between minutes between <datetime> and <datetime> integer
month from month from <date or datetime> integer
months between months between <date or datetime> and <date or datetime> integer
now datetime
number of days in the month from number of days in the month from <date> integer
number of days in the year from number of days in the year from integer
second from second from < datetime> integer
seconds between seconds between <datetime> and <datetime> integer
today today date
tomorrow tomorrow date
year from year from <date> integer
years between years between <date> and <date> integer
yesterday yesterday date
is a leap year <datetime> is a leap year Boolean
is a local datetime <datetime> is a local datetime Boolean
is a week day <datetime> is a week day Boolean
is an unspecified datetime <datetime> is an unspecified datetime Boolean
is an UTC datetime <datetime> is an UTC datetime Boolean
is on a week end <datetime> is on a week end Boolean
minus <datetime> minus <timespan>  
<datetime> plus <timespan>  
<date or datetime> plus <integer> weekdays date or datetime
is a date <text> is a date Boolean
is a datetime <text> is a datetime Boolean


Math Templates

Math templates are used to operate over numerical values and handle complex math operations.

Template name Template format Return type
% of <number> % of <number> number
divided by <number> divided by <number> number
minus <number> minus <number> number
modulus <number> modulus <number> integer
multiplied by <number> multiplied by <number> number
plus <number> plus <number> number
raised to <number> raised to <number> number
rounded  to <number> rounded to <digits> decimal places number
rounded up to <number> rounded up to <digits> decimal places number
rounded down to <number> rounded down to <digits> decimal places number
rounded with bankers rounding to <number> rounded with bankers rounding to <digits> decimal places number
squared <number> squared number
absolute value of absolute value of <value> number
largest of largest of <add> number
smallest of smallest of <add> number
square root of square root of <value> number
the natural log base e raised to the natural log base e raised to <number> number
the natural log of the natural log of <number> number
the number of digits before the decimal point in the number of digits before the decimal point in <number> integer
the number of digits after the decimal point in the number of digits after the decimal point in <number> integer
the number of digits in the number of digits in <number> integer


Time-Value Templates

Time-Value templates used for common financial operations.

Template name Template format Return type
future value of the future value of <present lump sum amount> using rate <interest rate> over <number of periods> number
interest rate over the interest rate over <number of periods> for present value of <present lump sum amount> and future value of  <future lump sum amount> number
payment for the payment for <present lump sum amount> using rate <interest rate> over <number of periods> number
present value of present value of <future lump sum amount> using rate <interest rate> over <number of periods> number


Text Templates

Text templates are used to lookup or modify text values.

Template name Template format Return type
matches regular expression <text> matches regular expression <regex pattern> Boolean
matches wild card expression <text> matches regular expression <wild card pattern> Boolean
with no leading or trailing spaces <text> with no leading or trailing spaces text
with whitespace removed <text> with whitespace removed text
contains whitespace <text> contains whitespace Boolean
contains <text> contains <text> Boolean
starts with <text> starts with <text> Boolean
ends with <text> ends with <text> Boolean
the left the left <number> of characters in <text> text
the right
the right <number> of characters in <text> text
the middle
the middle <number> of characters in <text> starting with character <number> text
length of the length of <text> text
formatted as currency <number> formatted as currency text
formatted as hexadecimal <number> formatted as Hexadecimal text
formatted as number <number> formatted as number text
formatted as percent <number> formatted as percent text
formatted as scientific <number> formatted as scientific text
combine combine <value> with <value> text

concatenate <values>

 or use the & operator:

<text> & <text>


format <date> as <format>

(Note: templates for <format> are long date, long datetime, long time, short date, short datetime, short time, year month)

get position of get position of <search text> in <target text> number
replace replace <old text> in <text> with <new text> text
replace pattern replace <regex pattern> in <text> with <text> text
select text from select text from <text> which matches regular expression <regex pattern> text


Value List Templates

Value List templates are used to check if a Value is found in the Value List.

Template name Template format Return type
has a value of <field> has a value of <add list value> Boolean
does not have a value of <field> does not have a value of <add list value> Boolean
is in <field> is in <value list> Boolean
the display value from <field> the display value from <value list> text
create list of create list of <field> in <collection> list
with a new value list <values> list
from existing value list <value list> with <values> list


Expression Designer Templates

The expression designer template allows users to build complex expressions using syntax rule functions. This feature enables the user to combine syntax rules with business language rules. This can be very useful for managing complex parenthetical formulas or functions that are not supported as business language templates.

Template name Template format Return type
design expression expression value na
safe expression <expression> otherwise use <default> expression value


set Payment Summary Monthly Payment to Round((((LoanInfo.Principal * monthlyRate) / (1 - ((1 + monthlyRate) ^ (LoanInfo.TermInMonths * -1)))) * 100) / 100, 2)

Logical Templates

Logical templates may be used to influence the evaluation of the conditional templates.

Template name Template format Return type
exactly one of exactly one of <enter condition> Boolean
not not ... Boolean


XML Templates

XML template is used to lookup data from an XML file.

Template name Template format Template format
lookup lookup<XPath query expression> text


Validity Templates

Validity templates are used to check the validity of a Field or Entity, which may have been set from Constraints or the Mark Field As Invalid / Set Field Invalid action.

Template name Template format Template format
is not valid <field> is not valid Boolean
is valid <field> is valid Boolean


Action Templates

Action templates are used to trigger actions. There is no return type.

Template name Template format
activate rule set deactivate rule set <rule set>
add collection member launches syntax editor
copy collection launches syntax editor
deactivate rule set deactivate rule set <rule set>
execute database query launches syntax editor
execute decision table launches syntax editor
execute rule set

execute rule set <rule set>

w/ Parameterized Rule Set:

execute rule set <rule set> using (ParamName = <value>)

execute REST service launches syntax editor
execute web service launches syntax editor
execute xpath query launches syntax editor
fire notification

fire notification <message> with the following settings
allow multiple notifications

as notification type <warning|error>

associated with <field>

halt all rule execution halt all rule execution and log message <message text>
halt rule set halt rule set and log message <message text>
mark field as invalid* mark <field> invalid and display message <text message>
raise event launches syntax editor
refresh fields refresh fields <add field>
send e-mail launches syntax editor
set the value to a field set <field> to <value>
sort collection launches syntax editor


* The "mark field as invalid" Business Language template is the equivalent of the Syntax action for Set Field Invalid.

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