Adding a Decision Table

  • Updated

The contents of this article pertain to the current version of Author Studio released in the fall of 2023. If you have not updated to the newest version of the product, see our Archived Author Studio Documentation here.

From a rules page, click on the plus button + and select Decision Table and Author Studio will create a new decision table that is ready to populate.

Adding a Decision Table GIF.gif

In the workspace, you have the ability to create and combine multiple conditions with resulting actions. Read the article, Working with Decision Tables to learn more about decision tables.


Decision Table Properties

Decision Table PRoperties.png

1. Name
The title of the decision table is saved here.

2. Enabled
You can enable or disable the selected decision table. Disabled decision tables will not run when the rule set is executed.

3. Description
The description is saved and edited here.


4. Compatibility Mode

When checked, the identity of conditions that evaluate and actions that execute will include the row identifier (e.g. Row3). Turning this feature on will result in slower compilation and execution performance.

If the Run Mode of the parent rule set is Auto-Optimized, Compatibility mode is the only option and must be used.

5. Exit At First True

When checked, the decision table will stop evaluating rows after a row matches its conditions and executes its actions. If unchecked, execution continues to evaluate the remaining rows in the table and executes actions for any row whose conditions match.

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