Process Automation Version 2.97 - Release Notes

  • Updated

October 2024

We’re thrilled to announce the release of Process Automation version 2.97 which contains new customer requested features.

New features

Process Documentation
We are pleased to introduce our users to a process documentation page. This feature creates a report of all the items created in the process map in Process Studio, so that users can review, compare and export documentation efficiently. Users will no longer need to create a new version of a process map to see how an email is configured. This change makes it possible for users to see email configurations, scripts and gateway expressions in deployed process versions in one place. See the documentation here.

New API endpoint to get specific fields from a form
We have added a new endpoint that improves performance and security by allowing you to retrieve data from specific fields in a form. This means you can now directly select the fields you wish to export, reducing the number of requests needed and data transferred. Read more about it in the API documentation here.

Mail log functionality

We are releasing the official version of the mail log functionality. This released version offers an improved experience based on feedback from our customers and contains changes to both the user interface as well as the data displayed.

This release also contains additional minor bug fixes and security updates.

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