How to: Create a List for Monitoring Instances with Alerts

  • Updated

This article explains how to create a list that shows instances that have an alert symbol. 
Final List.png

Create a List to Monitor Failed Instances

  1. Start by creating a new list. Next to My Lists, click on the plus sign + to create a new list.

  2. Name the List so it is easy to see this list is for monitoring failed instances.
    Name the List.png

  3. For the Type of list select Instances. Select List Type.png

  4. Select the application for which you want to view the failed instances.
    Select Application.png

  5. Select Add column and choose Standard column...
    Standard Column.png

  6. Select Alert and click on OK.
    Standard Column Type.png

  7. Find the Alert column in the column configuration area and click on the green add filter icon.
    Add Filter.png

  8. Select Yes from the Value drop-down menu and select OK.
    Value - Yes.png

  9. Make any other changes you would like to make to the list and select Save

  10. Your list will show the failed instances from your application.
    Final List.png

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