InRule Process Automation Version 2.86 Release Notes

  • Updated

October 2023

We have released a new version of Process Automation, version 2.86. As usual, it contains different improvements and adjustments. Some of them might not affect you directly, but you can be sure that we are constantly fixing and improving things behind the scenes to refine features that already exist, or to prepare for new features that are coming later.

New features

Stability and performance

With this release, we have made several updates that improve the stability and performance of the product, including changes to the process engine‘s locking mechanism that functions as a fail-safe during network outages and other external complications. 

The Help button link has changed

Clicking on the Help button in Process Automation now directs you to the overview of Process Automation documentation here

Google Drive document selector disabled

The Google Drive document Picker in Process Studio has been replaced by a more versatile URL selector. We have removed the Google Drive icon from Process Studio, but the configured solutions using this Picker will remain intact and the documents will remain available from Google Drive. Going forward, users will be able to achieve the same functionality through the URL selector.

Coming soon

Bank ID

Bank ID is now available for demos. Please reach out to your sales contact or to schedule a demo to see how your organization can utilize this feature for authenticating the submission of forms in your external events.


Instance continues after terminating end event


Under specific circumstances, Instances configured in a specific way remained active following a terminating event. 


These instances now terminate and do not remain active.


This release also contains additional minor bug fixes and security updates.

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