Navigation and Shortcuts
The Business Language Editor is designed to allow you to learn as you go; however, it is beneficial to understand the core navigational principles, terms, and shortcuts to accelerate business language rule authoring.
- Tab key to navigate through the business language templates and expressions.
- Shift+Tab to navigate backward.
Context Selection
- Ctrl+Up arrow to expand the scope of the current selection.
- Ctrl+Down arrow to narrow the scope of the current selection.
- Ctrl+X cut selected element.
- Ctrl+C copy selected element.
- Ctrl+V paste selected element.
- Delete to delete the current selection.
- Ctrl+Z to undo your last action. The last five actions are stored and can be undone.
- Ctrl+Y redo your last action.
- Ctrl+D to move rules, fields, or actions down.
- Ctrl+U to move rules, fields, or actions up
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