Your Portal Profile

  • Updated

Your Portal Profile page is where you can edit your name, view the email associated with your account, and reset your password.

Navigate to your profile 

From the InRule SaaS Portal, click on the User Menu and choose Profile from the menu.
Profile Menu.png

Profile Page 


1. Edit 

Click here to edit your information, see the instructions in the section, Edit your information 

2. Title 
Your job title is shown here. 

3. Email 
This is the email associated with your account.

4. Reset Password

Click here to reset your password, see the instructions in the section, Reset Password 

Edit your information 

  1. To edit your information on the Profile page, click on the Edit button in the upper right corner of the page. 

  2. This makes the First Name, Last Name, and Title fields editable.
    Edit Profile.png

  3. When you are done editing your information, click on the Save button. All mandatory fields must be filled in in order to save. 

    Save Profile.png

Reset Password 

  1. Click on Reset Password.
    Reset Password 1.png

  2. Check your email account for the Forgot Your InRule Password? email.
    If you do not see the email in your inbox, 
    • Check Spam and Bulk Mail folders.
    • Add to the address book. 
  3.  Click on the Reset Password link in the email. 
    Reset password.png

  4. On the Set Password screen, enter your new password and confirm your new password, then click on the arrow at the bottom of the screen. 
    Set Password.png

  5. You are now able to use this password to log in. 

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