How to set the Instance settings
- When deploying a process application, click on Instance settings in the process configuration.
- Enter a text for the name of the instances. To use form fields to set the name, you may have to change some settings on your form, see Name the instance with form field below.
- Click on Deploy.
How to name the instances
The instance name can be set to anything using these components:
Static string - Write a static string and every instance will be named that string.
It is difficult to separate the instances if only using strings for the name.
- Form field - Use a form field to set the instance name, the syntax for fetching form fields is $[objectname].[fieldname]$, see example below.
- Variable - Use variables to set the instance name, i.e. $instance.createddate$
- Concatenate - Use combinations of strings, form fields, and variables, i.e. "Purchase request: $Request.requestName$, $Requst.requestName$, $instance.createddate$, $Request.requestName$, $Request.requestDate$
Read more about variables in the article Variables.
Name the instance with a form field
- Make sure you have the name of the form template connected to the start event.
- Get the field name of the field you wish to capture the text for the instance name from.
To make it easier to remember, set your own name to the form field instead of using the default ones (i.e. Field8).
When deploying the application, open the instance settings and set the instance name to $[form template name].[field name]$
The syntax for the images above are: Purchase request: $Request.purchaseTitle$
When to set the Instance settings
Instances are named according to these requirements, in this specific order:
- If there is an Instance setting the instance is named according to that.
- If the start event has a Form Template connected and that template has a field named, the instance will fetch the text filled in that field when the instance starts.
- If the start event has a Form Template connected but no field named, the user will have to fill in an Instance name when starting the instance, else
- if the start event does not have a Form Template connected, the user will have to fill in an Instance name when starting the instance.
Use the instance settings when you want to control the name of the instance more than what the initiator writes in a form field or if you want to concatenate values from text, form fields, or variables.
Instance settings are also available for sub processes and Call Activities, read more in the article Sub Processes.
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