The Contract Management Page

  • Updated

The Contract Management page in Process Automation contains four tabs:

  • Overview - in which you manage contract settings and information such as invoice details. 
  • Spaces - in which you add and manage spaces connected to the contract. Learn more about managing Spaces in the article, Manage Spaces within Contract.
  • Users - in which you manage user accounts, licenses, and permissions. Learn more about managing Users with the article, Manage User Accounts and Licenses.
  • Administrators - in which you manage contract administrators. Read the article Manage Contract Administrators to learn more.

Contract Overview

The Contract Overview contains a header where you can see a summary of the contract information. It also contains three tabs - Contract Info, Contract Details, and Invoice DetailsThe information in the Contract Info and Contract Details tabs is read-only, It must be changed internally by InRule personnel. If you want to make changes to this information, please contact an InRule sales representative

All information in the Invoice Details is editable. 

Contract details

In the contract details tab, you can configure what the members in a space should be allowed to do or not.

It is possible to enable or disable the ability of members of the contract to create new spaces. 


Disabling the possibility for people to edit their own contact information is possible by unchecking the checkbox Allow users to edit their own user information. This is useful for organizations that have integrated their user catalogs such as Active Directory to ensure that user information is managed centrally.


Update Invoice details 

The information found under the tab Invoice details is the one used by InRule when invoicing. If you need to change this information for any reason, just click on  Edit at the bottom of the page and make the necessary changes.



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