Comments (Discuss and Collaborate)

  • Updated

A comment can be posted on an instance or a form. Other participants can read and reply to the comment and start a discussion. If the comment is directed towards a specific person, it is possible to tag the person using an @ symbol and their name in the comment text.

Writing Comments

As a user, you can write comments from the task view (if enabled for the participant that you act as) or from the instance view and can either start a new discussion or reply to an existing comment. Apart from the instance itself forms and files can be commented on.

To comment on the instance from the task view, click on the comment icon (1) and write your comment in the Comments Field (2).


If you tag a user in a comment, they will receive an e-mail saying they have been mentioned in a discussion. This e-mail will contain the comment and a link to the Comment feed.

It is only possible to mention users with permission to the instanceA user has this permission if they have performed anything in the instance or if the process application administrator has assigned at least View permission to the person or group in which the person is included. 

It is also possible to tag a role in a comment. This is useful when you are not sure which user is performing the role. The user assigned to the role will receive an e-mail saying that he or she has been mentioned in a comment. 


In cases where an unassigned role is tagged, the e-mail will be sent once the role is assigned. In most cases, this happens when the role's first task is created in the process. 

Form comments vs. Instance comments

Instance comments vs Form comments.png

1 . Instance Comments 

Instance comments show all comments made within the instance. This includes form comments from any form in the instance of the application. Instance comments are not visible on any of the forms in the instance. 

2. Form Comments

Form comments can be made at the bottom of a form. These comments can also be seen on the Instance comments page, but the instance comments are not shown on the form. Some Tasks have multiple forms, the comment is only visible on the form where the comment was made, it would not be visible on any other form.

Read Comments

You can read comments in the Comments feed found via the task view or the instance view. The Comment feed will aggregate all comments on all objects in the specific instanceYou can also read file and form comments directly when viewing those objects. 

You can also read comments from the list view by clicking the comment icon; a pop-up will show the last ten comments. 

Always notify participants of new comments 

You can choose to notify participants of new comments via email. If the setting is enabled, all users who have participated in the comment thread will receive a notification when a new comment is posted.

To enable comment notifications:

  1. Navigate to the Application Configuration
    Application configuration.png

  2. Click on the Advanced tab.

  3. Select the box next to Always notify participants of new comments
    Notifications for comments.png

  4. Save the changes. 
    Application configuration.png

Delete Comments

You can always delete your own comments by clicking the trash can icon in the right top corner of the comment line. Application administrators can delete comments from any user. 

If you delete the first comment in a discussion, all replies will be deleted.


Disable Instance Comments

The instance comments function is activated automatically and can be disabled by the process application administrator. This setting is found under Participant configuration and can be enabled or disabled for different participants in the Process application.  

When creating a new process application the comment functionality will be enabled for all participants as default. If you do not want participants to be able to comment from the task view, you have to disable the functionality. 

Show comments .png

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