Start New Instance from List View

  • Updated

Instances can be started from a number of ways and the possibility to start new instances from the list view is a very smooth feature for users that mainly works with tasks and lists. 

This feature is active for all spaces created after the upgrade 2016.3, for older spaces this needs to be activated. Read more about how to activate the feature below.

Activate start instance from list view

  1. Go to Space settings and the Space information section

  2. Activate Allow users to start new instance from list view.

  3. Click on Save changes.

Start a new instance from the list view

  1. Go to the List view.
  2. Click on the button in the upper left corner. If you only have one instance, the button is named after the start event (Figure 1)  and if you have multiple instances, the button says Start new... (Figure 2) a drop-down with all available start events for the specific user is shown. Click on the start event to create a new instance for that process application.
    Figure 1

    The start events are listed with the most recently used instances at the top of the list, followed by the instances that have not been used in alphabetical order. 
    Figure 2

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