How To: Create Your First Process

  • Updated

This guide will help you create your first process using Process Studio. The modeling notation being used by this tool is BPMN 2.0 and is recognized as the world standard.

Web sites for more info about the BPMN standard

BPMN 2.0

Business Process Model and Notation

Create a process

1. Select a space, and from the main menu choose Model: Processes.

2. Click on Create BPMN 2.0 process at the far right.


3. You are now in Process Studio. When you open Process Studio for the first time, the Quick Guide will open to give you a tour. To view the quick guide again, read the article The Quick Guide

All of the features of Process Studio are described in detail in the article Introduction to Process Studio

Process Studio saves all your changes. If you want to save the process in a specific state, make a bookmark or publish your process. 

Model the process 

  1. Name your process.

  2. Your process is created with a pool that contains a single lane. You can start by double-clicking on the light grey area and adding a title for the role/group that initiates the process. 

  3. Define the scope of your process, how will your process begin and how will it end? Knowing the scope of your process and having clear start and end events will help you create an effective and efficient process. 
  4. Build your process from start to end using the BPMN standard. Make sure you are thinking about which groups/roles should be responsible for which tasks. Keep in mind all events and tasks should be named. 

Validate the process

Use the validation tool before deploying your process. The validation tool is found in the right-hand corner of the model interface.

Errors in process must be dealt with in order to deploy successfully, it is also beneficial to solve any potential Warnings in process like the messages in the example picture indicate below as complying with these gives you a standardized BPMN 2.0 model.

The validation tool does not guarantee that the process will run as you expect it to, but it will ensure that basic guidelines are met. 

Deploy the process 

After you have validated the process, it is time to make the process official by publishing it. Once the process is published you are able to share it and view it with others.

Once the desired version of the process is published, it is also possible to deploy the process if the purpose is to create a runnable application. After pressing Publish simply press Deploy.


Configure the process

Once you have deployed the process, the option to configure roles and instance settings will appear.

You can read more about assigning roles in the article, Assigning Tasks to Users or Groups. When you are done configuring the process, select Deploy and the application is ready to run.


The Start button will appear and you can start working with instances of your process application.

If you are deploying your process as a process application, the next step would be to configure instance settings. Read how to do this in the article, Instance Settings.  

To continue your learning, read more about working with tasks and how to create a form template and add it to the process model.


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