Concepts Within Process Automation

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This article contains common Process Automation terms and concepts. Here you will find brief definitions and links to articles where you can learn more. 

Application Admin

A user who has administrator privileges over an application; this user can edit it.


A Business Process Model Notation (BPMN), is a diagram of a business process. It is like a flowchart and uses standardized graphics to represent the participants, choices, and the flow of the process. This is what we create in Process Studio.  Read more about the modeling tool in the article, Introduction to Process Studio



The Contract controls what functionality you are allowed to use and how many users you can invite to your organization's spaces in Process Automation.

Contract Owner

The contract owner is the individual in charge of maintaining the contract for your organization. If you are a Contract Owner or Contract Administrator, you will find a button called Manage Contract when clicking on your user name in the top right corner of Process Automation. Read the article About Contract Management for more information.

Contract Admin

The role of Contract Administrators makes it possible for the Contract Owner to delegate the administration of spaces and users within a contract. When a user is granted Admin permissions, they can help manage the contract 

by administering licenses and user accounts on behalf of the Contract Owner. You can read more about managing contract administrators Manage Contract Administrators.


Instance Lists 

Instance lists can be found in the List view. They are used to monitor or give a broader perspective of all instances of an application. The instance list can also be used to generate reports. Read more about lists in Introduction to Lists

The main menu is located at the top of the page. The options available in the main menu depends on what you have permission to. This menu will help you navigate through a single Space. To change Spaces, use the Space menu. 


Space is your tool to create order among all your models, apps, and activities. You can create as many different spaces as you want, and in them, you can create models and apps and work with your tasks and activities.

All spaces are separated from each other so that you only see and work with the relevant processes that exist in the space. This allows you to divide your work into logical compartments so you can organize your processes more effectively. Create spaces for specific processes, projects, business areas, and test spaces.

Spaces are a great feature where you can invite users, create groups, and administer users and rights. Read the article Spaces and Space Settings for more information.

Space admin

Space Administrators administer applications, value lists, groups, and lists on behalf of the Space Owner.

Space menu

The space menu is located in the top right corner next to your name, it lets you navigate between the spaces you belong to. 

Space Groups

These are groups that exist within a single space. Read more about groups Create and Administrate Groups.

Space owner

The user who owns a space. If you are a Space owner, read the article Spaces and Space Settings to learn more. 


A user with special privileges that are needed to administer and maintain the system; a system administrator. 

Task Lists 

This type of list is also found in the List view. These are used to display and list tasks in the application. They can be configured to show My tasks or All tasks and can also be grouped by instance. Learn how to build your first list with the article, How to Create Your First List

Value List 

A value list is used within a form to create a dropdown menu. Learn more about Value Lists. 

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