Frequently Asked Questions: Model processes
Q: How do I create processes in Process Studio?
A: As a modeler, you can choose to Create BPMN 2.0 process under processes in the drop-down menu.
Q: I can't model processes.
A: To be able to model processes you need to have the model rights activated. This can be done from Space settings. Contact your space administrator or contract owner to enable modeling rights.
Q: How can I share my process with other users?
A: How you share your process depends on whether they are an internal or external user. Both situations are explained below.
If you want to share your process with other users or groups that have access to your space, please read our article Process Permissions for more information.
If you need to share your process with an external user, you can activate a web link that the external user can go to. Read more in the article, External weblink for process model.
Q: How should I use the different types of tasks?
A: Please see the article Common BPMN 2.0 symbols.
Q: How do the various arrows affect the editability and visibility of forms?
A: Please see the article Common BPMN 2.0 symbols.
Q: Can I configure my process to send email messages automatically from the application?
A: Yes, there are two types of e-mails that can be sent:
Task Notifications inform users they have a task to perform.
You can use a Message event to send different kinds of messages to users or other systems.
Q: How do I configure a gateway?
A: Please see our article Business Component: Expressions on gateways or see different types of gateways in the gateway section of the article Common BPMN 2.0 symbols.
Build Process Applications
Q: How do I share my application with other users?
A: You can set the permission to the application from the process page. For step-by-step instructions, please see the article on Process Permissions.
Q: How can I create drop-down lists in my forms?
A: To make a drop-down list, create a Value List in the space settings.
After the value list is created, you can find the dropdown list in the form editor under Metadata fields (Single select, Multi select, or extended value list).
Q: What is the maximum number of rows and columns in an extended value list?
A: The maximum number of rows is 100 and the maximum number of columns is 20. If the search query you use results in more than 100 hits, then only the first 100 will be shown.
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