December 2022
We have released a new version of InRule Process Automation, version 2.79. As usual, it contains different improvements and adjustments. Some of them might not affect you directly, but you can be sure that we are constantly fixing and improving things behind the scenes to refine features that already exist, or to prepare for new features that are coming later.
New features
Increased data cap in forms
Individual files are still restricted to 20 MB per file but, it is now possible to upload up to 100 MB per save.
Error notification generated for application builders when using a value list that does not exist
Users that subscribe to the event log may notice a new process error type. The error will only show up in instances that use value lists that no longer exist. A typical scenario could be that the value list could have been deleted after the value had been set in a previously started instance.
To find this error, search for the type namespace in the form definition in all the forms used in the application.
The error reads:
"Could not find value list(s) with type namespaces: {NotFoundTypeNamespaces}".
You can read more about how to fix this error in the article, How To Fix a Missing Value List with the Error: "Could not find value list(s)".
The variable: instance.roles[roleName]. returned inactive users
If a group was assigned to the role, then this variable would list all users in the group regardless of whether they were active or disabled.
Disabled users are now handled appropriately.
Unable to upload files from task view to content folder using iPad
Files were not uploading from task view to the content folder correctly when using an iPad.
Functions as expected.
This release also contains additional minor bug fixes and security updates.
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